Chapter Eight

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"Don't you dare step up like this to me? You have no idea how much worse you are!" He yells as he puts a hand up to pull my arm away from his neck.

"What do you mean?" I yell as I push him farther up the wall. We have started to gain the attention of other people around us but I don't care. I need to make sure he gets what I'm trying to say.

"I don't want to hurt Lucy in any way. I like hanging out with her and I'll treat her better than you ever did. I won't hurt her as you did" he yells back at me.

I drop him. "What do you mean? I'm trying not to hurt anyone and how did I hurt her?"

"You were the one who asked her to get you a date with the new girl right?"

"Yeah" I gulp,

"You completely ignore her feelings for you and never gave her a chance to even explain how she felt about you" he laughs "At least this is what I gather from everything I have heard from her friends and how she acts around you or talks about you"

I completely ignored her feelings, and then I asked her to get me a date with some other girl while she was trying to tell me how she felt.

I remember now, that day that I mentioned what Wendy said about wanting to be her sister she tried telling me. There were many times before that, she tried telling me and I ignored her or let myself get distracted whenever she tried telling me something. She must have been frustrated with the number of times she tried telling me and I just wasn't a good friend and never listened. I always just thought about myself and what I wanted to do.

"Hah, you didn't notice. I guess you're really stupid for never noticing" he laughs.

Normally I would get mad at a comment like that but I just don't seem to have any motivation right now for anything. He isn't wrong either, I have been really stupid in everything in regards to Lucy and how she has been feeling all this time. I hate thinking about how I have been a bad friend to the best friend a person could have.

Even though she had feelings for me. she still did what I asked of her because she wanted me to be happy and didn't want to get in the way of that. Now she seems to be happy hanging out with this guy and he seems to be able to read her better than I ever could. Maybe she should be with him instead of me now. He understands her better than I ever could in a matter of days that she has known him.

"Just please don't hurt her any more than I already have" I walk off and let him be. I'm not in the mood to have pancakes anymore. I just want to go home and never leave my room again.


I guess I have turned into a person of no importance to Natsu, he never called or never answered when I tried calling him. I don't even know what happened to make him not want to speak to me.

I guess I should go and have another visit with Mrs. Sandler. I give her a call and she seems to love the idea of me coming to visit even though she had just cleaned here yesterday and we spoke then. I get ready to go and head over to her place.

This time when I show up there is no cake but she has a tea set up on her front porch with some plain coffee biscuits. I sit down as she comes out with the warm tea kettle and a small hot plate to keep it warm.

"So what seems to be troubling you?"

"I took your advice and took a shot at trying to get to know Sting, he was fun to hang out with. But I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on so fast, I want to take things slow with him and see if maybe he could be a nice guy, I would like to be with. but I also don't feel right leaving Natsu alone now. I mean something seemed off with him a while ago and now he won't talk to me or answer any of my texts or calls"

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