Chapter Nine

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**This chapter will be longer due to the different perspectives. I want to get the same scene from Natsu and Lucy's perspectives.**

"There's this bonfire on the beach tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Sting asks.

I think about it for a while, as I hear the heightened breathing coming from the other side of the phone.

"Sure, it could be fun" I agree.

"Great then I will pick you up around 7. Is that alright?" he laughs.

"Yep, that sounds good to me" I confirm.

"See you then" he hangs up. I sit back on my bed and think about what tonight is gonna be like. I've never been to one of those bonfire parties before. I never even knew they were allowed to have bonfires on that part of the beach.

I guess I should start getting ready. I want to be ready before he gets here. First I have to tell my parent's about my plan. They like to know where I'm headed off to, especially if it's with a boy. They don't know Sting that much so they have become more careful and I'm sure they will ease up once they get to know him.

I walk into the kitchen where my mom is sitting by the table.

"Hey, sweetie! I and your father were about to watch a movie, would you like to join us?" she asks.

"I got invited to go to a bonfire by the beach tonight. I came down to let you guys know"

"Oh, that sounds like fun. Be careful out there then. But who are you going with?"Dad asks.

"With Sting" I casually point out. I don't want them to get the wrong idea and think that we are dating. I don't want anyone to think that since I don't want to explain to anyone that I don't want to date anyone at the moment.

"Sting!?" He calls out.

"Dad, yes. It will be fine."

"Be careful out there" mom says.

I grab some quick food for a light supper since I don't feel all that hungry and I'm sure there will be some snacks and drinks at this party. I can't wait to just relax and have a fun night.


"Hey Sting, who's your friend you brought here?" someone I don't know asks him.

"Oh, this is Lucy. Lucy, this is Rufus." he introduces me.

"Hi Rufus, it's nice to meet you"

"Well Lucy, enjoy my party and have a fun time" he yells out.

"He's a bit eccentric" Sting laughs.

I laugh at all of the stuff Sting does with his friends. He seems to be really close with all of them. I guess these are all the people he goes to school with at Sabertooth high. A while ago, he asked what it was like to go to Fairytail high. I didn't know what to tell him since it's the only high school I have ever gone to, I don't know how other schools could be like. I have nothing to compare it to. Also, his question about it came out of the blue and it seemed like he was wanting to start coming to our school.

I then see a girl coming up towards me. She has short blonde hair and sort of looks like Lisanna in a way.

"Hi, you must be Sting's friend. I'm Yukino" she introduces herself.

"Yeah, I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet some of Sting's friends."

"I'm going, to be honest, but when I first heard about you I thought you would be like the last girl he dated and no one likes her, but you seem to be a nice girl" she responds.

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