- Radhika: There is no need for that, I will go on my own.

-she left in harry ...

-Ajay came back to his room calling for Pooja ...

- Pooja: What happened? Why are you screaming? ...

-Ajay: Hurry up Pooja and call Kabir ...

- Pooja: Why?  ...

- Ajay: tell him to come back because Radhika went to look for him ...

- Pooja: Why didn't you stop her or go with her at this time!  Especially after she knows the truth!   God, help us. I hope Kabir will respond to us and not have arrived at the airport ....

- After many calls, Kabir answer  them ....

- Ajay: Thank God, you answered!  Please, Kabir, go back to the palace ..

- Kabir: There's no need for that. She wants to be alone, stay alone!  ...

- Ajay: I told her the full truth and now she has taken her car and left to join you and I think she is on the way to the forest. Please come back and bring her with you! 

-Kabir: What !!!!  Why didn’t you accompany her, my God? This woman will cause me to die one day!  ... I will try to find her ....

- Ajay: Ok call me after you find her ....

- You will never change like the choppy autumn weather, sometimes apricot, sometimes rainy, you and your stubbornness, Radhika, will make me crazy.

- Radhika was in a state of pity, her tears flowing like a waterfall, and that painful accident ran in front of her and everything beautiful happened recently ... Because of her abundant tears, she could not see anything nor control her car ....

For a moment, she felt very dizzy and suffocated ... She wanted to stop the car, but the brakes could not work!

Moments later, she only saw lights approaching her and heard the horns of the car, but she could not determine anything that was happening in front of her because of the fog that filled her eyes ... Suddenly she saw something approaching her quickly!  She pulled her car aside until it collided with a giant tree!

- She was going to pass out, put her head on the steering wheel, and she was chanting in a faint, incomprehensible voice, "Please Kabir, don't leave me, come back, please don't leave me alone" and she faint

_ The owner of the car got off ... and was shocked when he saw her in that state and shouted with all his energy, "Radhika". He was Kabir ... he barely opened the door of her car and carried it to his car ... while he asked the driver to restrict Radhika's car and he would take her to the palace with this ...

-Kabir called Pooja and Ajay, and told them he had found her in the worst condition ... Kabir tried to make her wake up more than once, but he didn't succeed ...

He arrived at the house and entered it carrying a Radhika..took her to her room while Pooja rushed to treat her ... She told him that she might be late to wake up, so he told her that he would go to work to cancel the trip and return and if she woke up, she would call him ...

-After Kabir returns ...

- He found Pooja waiting for him in the hall while Ajay slept ...

- Kabir: How is Radhika now?  ...

- Pooja: She woke up and I forced her to eat something with difficulty and she is now in her room and does not want to talk to anyone ...

- Kabir: Okay ...

- Kabir went up to Radhika's room and tried to open the door very slowly ... he entered and when he approached, he could hear her crying ... she was looking to the other side so she did not see him ... and he sat on a bed slowly after that he put his hands  around her waist ... as he made her turn  To him ...

- Kabir: Oh my God, how beautiful you are when you cry. Imagine it when you smile !...

-Radika with tears: I am so sorry I am sorry ... I am sorry that I hurt you .. Because of my arrogance because of my stupidity I didn't give you a chance to defend yourself and I used to call you.  ...

- Kabir interrupted her with a passionate and soft kiss expressing his intense love and his much he loves her

- After that, he rested his forehead against her forehead ... She was looking at his eyes with her eyes full of tears ...

- Radhika: I love you so much ... I love you more than myself more than my life until ...

-Even kabir's eyes filled  with tears ...

- Kabir: I love you, beautiful!  I love you so much, lioness!  I love you more than myself, my strong woman!  I love you..

Kabir took her on his lap she too tightly hugged him and slept together until morning ...

Morning comes ....

- Kabir woke up to the rays of the sun that flooded the room ... he found Radhika still sleeping in the same position while cuddling him ... he looked at her beautiful face ... "How beautiful is my queen", kissing her forehead ...

- As usual, Kabir's romance will not be complete ... Radhika responded a call from the office and was from Monica ...

- Kabier: Hello today, your manager will not come, she is tired and goodbye!  Monica laughed at his answer and she answerd then let her rest!

- Kabir looked back at Radhika ... he put his hand on hers, noticed something strange, then put his hand on her forehead ..

- Kabir: Her body is boiling with a fever, oh my God, what should we do?

- Go down to call Pooja to check her and see if she should call the doctor ...

- Pooja: I did not see a stubborn woman like Radhika, the cold that was yesterday, and she went out wearing light evening clothes that must have caught her with a cold.  ..
After the doctor arrived and examined her, he wrote for her a few medicines to take and also to be careful about her diets. I think that she is a little overfeed, so she must be more careful ...

Evening ...

-Kabir was sitting near her all day until she woke up ...

- Kabir: Good morning, beautiful, or rather, good evening!  How do you feel now?  ... She smiled at him ...

- Radhika: Better ... But tell me something when this riot will stop ...

-Kabir: I plan to double it to make you taste a quarter of what I was suffering from your stubbornness! 

-Radhika: Well, then I'll double my stubbornness! 

-Kabir: I swear sometimes I want to cut your tongue!  ...

- Radhika: I want to cut off your nose, which you are always arrogant by !!

- Pooja and Ajay entered their room ....

- Pooja: Oh my God!  Stop, now is not time..

The forgotten promise ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now