I knew that if I told Aeri the truth, it'd be just way more painful for us. I was going to tell her I'm not marrying that girl, but last minute I decided to say otherwise, so that she would even hate me.

If I'd told her, we would have probably ended up smiling to each other or even kissing, or just "fine" with each other, and that would be worse, because I'm not sticking around.

My father knocked on my door, poking his head in.

"Do you have everything ready?"


"Did you talk with the girl?"

"I did."

"Great, I can't wait for you guys to announce-"

"I told he I'm not marrying her."

His expresion changed, angry.

"You what?"

"You said that if I left, I didn't have to marry her, and that's what I'm doing, so I'm not marrying her."

"You're too young to understand, but you will eventually, and you'll understand why do you have to marry her."

"You can say whatever you want, I already decided."

"Any ways" he sighed "do you have everything ready? Your plane leaves early tomorrow."

"I do. Leave, I need to rest."

I had to do one more thing, before leaving to America.

Aeri's POV:

I woke up feeling like shit. I even woke up earlier, around 5:45 am. I stood up and made my way to take a hot shower, but I noticed something on my desk.

It was a small box, with a letter. The letter said "To Aeri"

I opened the box, and it was empty. I was quite confused, so I proceeded to read the letter.


Hyunjin here, but you already know.

First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry, for everything. I'm aware that from the beginning you didn't quite like me, and you had your reasons; I completely understood it, since I wasn't the best person.

At first I couldn't understand why did this had to happen to me, and I'm sure you felt the same, or even worse. In my case, I just didn't know who you were. But after knowing you, I actually felt grateful somehow with the universe for making us crossing our paths.

I'm aware our relationship was kind of weird, and I'm sorry for that too.

I just want you to know that everything I felt for you is real, everything. 

Today is my last day here in Korea. Shocking, I know, or not?

I know I haven't even graduated, however, my father arranged everything so I could finish my studies abroad. He decided he's opening another company abroad, and he wants me to run it.

It's complicated, and I can't explain it all, but this is something I had to do, for everyone's sake.

I wish I could explain more things to you, so that you don't hate me that much, but there wasn't any time for it, and I understand your position towards me.

This means that I won't be able to go with you to Incheon.  I know this was something we were meant to do together, but a lot of things got in the way.

Please don't rush to get the shell back. As long as you keep it safe and together, I believe the shell won't cause more problems. I bought this little box so you could store it in here untill you are able to go to Incheon and return it were it belongs.

I know it's nothing, but at least I had to do one last thing for the issue.

Aeri, I'm grateful I met you. You are a beautiful girl and wonderful being. I'm lucky I got to experience love with you.

I know you hate me, so please continue to do so, I'm probably not coming back.

Thank you for everything, I won't ever forget you, although you should forget me, I don't deserve you.

Anyways, please say Hello to Sang Hoon for me, whenever you go visit him. Let him know everything is settled once it is.


Hwang Hyunjin.

I don't understand.

I changed my clothes faster than light, and headed downstairs.


"When did Hyunjin come?"

"About 45 minutes ago honey, he told us he was leaving and even said goodbye, he's leaving to America-"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"He asked us not to. Is everything alright between you two hon-"

"Mom please take me to the airport."

"Aeri, you have school toda-"


My mom immediately took the car keys and signed me to come. I got in and he drived. It was a 25 minute ride, but she didn't ask me anything about it, I guess it was obvious.

I was mad at him, but I didn't know he was leaving. I would have at least said goodbye properly. My heart just kept telling me to go after him, again and again.

I kept thinking about his letter, how it didn't make sense at all. He's suddenly leaving, he's not coming back, he didn't mention the girl or his alleged marriage, and the way he said things was just weird.

I just wanted to see him one last time, that's all I knew.

But it was too late

As I got off the car, I saw a man from his company walking towards the exit. I asked him if he knew about his flight.

"The plane already left."

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