Chapter 22

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It wasn't long before the demons started showing up. The purple glow throughout the compound condensed into several small portals that demons crawled and flew out of. The Majors, Clerics, and Warriors all started fighting off what demons they could but eventually they were all pushed back into the medical ward. Several of the recruits wanted to blame Zane and throw him out.

"He's one of them! It's his fault!"

"He dies, it ends this!"

"He's a monster!"

People shout insults and threats at him until Jake pulls up a chair. "Everyone quiet!" He yells throughout the hall. "This attack had nothing to do with Zane! It was a result of Major Tom and his ability to use dark magic!"

"No one can use dark magic unless in contact with a devil!" One kid shouts from the back. "He's the only one around here who could possibly help him!"

Zane sits and listens to the crowd argue with Jake about what to do with him and if he's to blame. Zane starts worrying. Are they right? Is he the reason so many people are about to die? What if he were to die? Would that end it? Zane walks over to Jake and motions him down. Zane then takes him place on the chair.

"Everyone, I know how you're feeling. I know you're all scared. You all think that I am the cause of this because of my bloodline but I can assure you that I am not the cause of this." Zane looks around and makes eye contact with Rose. She's looking at him worried and scared. "If you believe only one thing I say today, Let it be this. Since my time here, I've discovered that there are many powerful people living here on this compound and Tengoku as a whole. When my lineage became apparent to everyone, Only the strongest stayed. You are the strongest of what this compound has to offer. If you ever want to be able to live happily again, we will have to work together, demon and demon hunter, side by side." Zane feels his body heating up. He decided not to hold back anymore.

Zane takes his blazer off and tears off the white dress shirt and undershirt. He closes his eyes and lets the heat cover him without restraint. He feels the heat start to emanate out from him and from to points on his back. The heat gets bigger as demon wings sprout from his back and his body engulfs into flames. When he opens his eyes, the flames are lighting up the dark room.

A small bat sized demon comes crashing through the window. Many people scream but Zane grabs it by the face and burns it to ash. "Let this demon's death be the beginning of our comeback. Let this demon's death be the mark of a new era! An era where demon hunters fight alongside a demon! Let this be our survival!"

There's complete silence. No one says anything. The screams of terror are heard out from the distance and explosions indicate that battles are still taking place outside still. Suddenly, There a thud on the ground. Another kid took his suit coat off.

"I don't like it but it might be the only shot we have." The kid forms a sword from magic. "I'll stand alongside the devil prince and win today!"

"I'm in!" Rose steps forward.

"I'll fight!" Ellie also steps forward.

"I've been with you since I risked my life for you!" Jake says. Others start stepping forward and summoning their own weapons or charging their own magic. Zane doesn't know if he truly convinced them or if his persuasive demonic side kicked in. Either way, He now has a small army at his side.

"Thank you everyone!" Zane flies up above the crowd. "Jake, construct a battle plan! You're the best one for it." Zane says.

Jake looks at him with a surprised but also oddly impressed face. He smiles at Zane and nods. As Zane flies down next to Rose and lets Jake take his spot back on the chair. "Thank you Zane. Okay, everyone, we need to start by closing the portals that Major Tom opened up. The Clerics will be in charge of that. Anyone who is able to fight and hold their own, you'll be their protectors. I will lead the charge back to the mess hall with these three..." He gestures to Zane, Rose, and Ellie. "And we'll stop Major Tom from continuing his plan. We'll split into groups of five. Three spellcasters and two warriors." Jake breathes in. "This is humanity's first real test in hundreds of years. Let's show those devil bastards who they're dealing with!"

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