Chapter 12

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The next couple days are dedicated to investigating the events that unfolded that night with Zane and Jake being the core suspects. As word got out that Lucifer's child was attending the academy, many people pulled their children from it and even threatened to leave the organization all together. Grand Elder Peters responded to each and every one of them the same. "If you would like to fight Lucifer alone, go right on ahead. Otherwise, I'm standing with the kid."

While this message did contradict how he was feeling the night of the attack, he has since agreed to keep Zane around as long as Jake is his mentor, teacher, and friend.

Elder Johnson recovery was going to be a long process. With all the bruises and stab wounds, it wouldn't be an easy recovery for any normal person, much less someone of Elder Johnson's age. Despite this, Elder Johnson agreed to do anything it took to get back on the front line

"Dad, there are better options for you. You don't have to go for the most extreme and dangerous options." Zane says to him one afternoon.

"Zane, have I ever really given up on something before?" Elder Johnson asks, already knowing the answer. Zane shakes his head. "Exactly. Now, tell me about how you've been. Has anyone given you grief about this yet." He gestures to the red skin and horns.

"I haven't really talked to or made eye contact with anyone since that night. Just you and Jake." Zane says. "I'm too nervous to approach anyone else in all honesty."

"What about that Rose girl you seem so fond of? I hear she's quite the healer. Not an injury she couldn't heal until, well, you know." He looks down at the wounds Lucifer caused. "Turns out damage from the devil isn't easily healed. Go figure."

"Yeah, go figure." They chuckle a little.

"How about this, you go approach that Rose girl and you see how she reacts. If she pushes you away then she was never really your friend. Only your true friends will keep you around."

Zane looks at his father with a worried look. What if she rejects his friendship now that he looks more like a demon than a human. Red skin is not flattering to most people. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure but you must come back and tell me everything that happens, okay?" Zane agrees to Elder Johnson's terms and conditions. "Good. Now, Jake, you know you can come into the room."

Jake pops his head into the door. "I just need to protect him. I don't need to be in his immediate vicinity every second he's awake." Jake says defending his choice to stay out in the hall.

"Well, If that's your choice then I'll respect it." Elder Johnson says in response. "I'm glad you two were paired together. Who knows what would have happened if it was someone else."

"Thank you." Jake says bowing his head. "I think we'll be taking our leaving now. Thank you Elder." The two boys take their leave and head back towards the dorms.

"So, are you going to orbit this conversation or...?" Zane asks Jake as they head towards Rose's room.

"They paired the demon up with the guy who can sense demonic activity. If something goes wrong, I'll feel it." Jake says. "I have my own girl to go attend to. I'm sure she's extremely happy with me." He says sarcastically.

"It'll be fine." Zane says. "Good luck." Jake takes a turn down a different hallway and leaves Zane to continue on down his own path.

Zane approaches Rose's room and hesitates to knock. 'It's getting kinda late. She's probably in bed.' He thinks to himself. He turns to walk away but his tail hits the door. 'Shit!'

"Hello?" Rose opens the door and jumps. "Oh god!" She realizes who it is. "Zane? Is that you?"

If he was still tan, he would be turning red with embarrassment. "Hey Rose."

She pulls him in and hugs him. "I'm so sorry about everything. I'm sure this whole thing must be terrible for you." Zanes heart starts beating faster. He wasn't expecting her to be compassionate.

"It's fine." He says. "I guess I kinda always knew there was something different. Just never the specifics." He touches his head and feels the horns. They're curled like a Rams. "I don't think this is it though. Lucifer was stopped from finishing his reversal spell. I might have gotten off lucky. Who knows what I'd look like in my "true form" that my father was talking about."He says. They both laugh.

"I'm glad to see you're okay." Rose says. "Would you like to come in? I was an unfortunate one and had my roommate get pulled because of the whole incident."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zane says.

"Don't be. She was kinda a bitch." Zane is taken back by this comment. "Don't be surprised. She was so anti demon that I'm surprised she'd risk her life even getting close to one."

"Why aren't you scared of me the way she was?" Zane asks out of curiosity.

"Because I know you?" She says confidently. "I know you're not the monster your dad wants you to be. You're nice and sweet. He's the complete opposite." Zane turns almost a visible shade darker. "You okay?"

"Yup. I'm fine." He voice says in a high pitch. He clears his throat. "Sorry."

"You're funny." She says. "You wanna stay for dinner? I've got too much food now for me to eat alone."

"Yes." He says eagerly. "I mean, that would be great." He enters her room and she closes the door behind him.

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