Chapter 2

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The night before Zane's last day of school, he's in his room getting all his supplies ready for the following day when his mother knocks on the open door. "Zane, Can we talk?" She asks.

"Sure, what's up?" He turns around to face his mother. "You look pale." He asks in a concerning voice.

"You might want to sit down for this." Amanda says to her son. He takes a seat on his bed and looks at his mother. His stomach sinks a little. "Listen, I know these couple weeks of not knowing has had a heavy weight on your shoulder. I know how much it would mean to you if you were accepted. The decision finally came back from the higher ups."

"Oh, mom, it's alright. I figured that..." Zane starts but it is cut off by his mother.

"You were accepted!" She says. The color comes back into her face. "Your father got all of them to agree. You got 4 out of 4!"

"Wait really!" He stands up and starts jumping around his room. "I did it! I did it!" He sits back down on his bed. "So now what?"

"Well, I have a gift for you. One you'll need." She puts her hands together and a white glow starts to appear in them. She opens her hands slowly and a sheathed blade appears in her lap. "This katana was in my family for centuries. It was used by every member of our family since the beginning of the organization." She hands it to Zane. "And now it's your turn. Take good care of it."

"Wow." Jacob holds it and awes at it in amazement. "Wouldn't that make this the blade that our ancestors used to fight Lucifer on an even playing field and eventually defeat him with?"

"Yes, there's power and history in that blade." Amanda says looking at it. "Be careful with it. It could hurt you if you're not careful." She smiles and kisses him on the forehead. "Now get to bed." She playfully slaps his shoulder. "You have a long last day at school, my little warrior recruit." She leaves the room and lets Zane get ready for the next day.

As the following day comes and goes, Elder Johnson and Amanda are waiting outside of Zanes high school. While the suits do draw some attention, most know about the organization and their duty to protect the world from the demon underworld.

"Have a good summer." One kid says to Zane as they leave the building. "Don't have too much fun without me."

"Oh whatever." Zane says as they laugh together as Zane approaches his parents. "Hey, special escort?" He laughs. Elder Johnson and Amanda roll their eyes.

"Get in the car." Elder Johnson says as he hits Zane in the head with a newspaper. "You have a long summer ahead of you." They all get in the car.

"It'll be hard work but I want to do it. I want to be able to help protect the world from demons and devils." Zane's parents both look at each other. He has no idea how ironic his entire summer is going to be.

"You're going to see a lot of things you might now understand at first but I promise you that everything is going to work out in the end." Amanda says. "You just need to trust in your abilities."

Elder Johnson takes a turn down a road with a brick wall at the end of it and slowly speeds up towards the wall. As Zane starts freaking out in the back, Amanda and Johnson sit calmly as their car makes contact with the wall and they drive right through it. As Zane crosses the border, he feels a burn across his entire body that his parents do notice but don't say anything.

As the family crosses the border, the entire scenery changes. The modern buildings become older village houses and the field that was right in front of them is a vast mountain with buildings all along the side and Peak.

"Welcome to Tengoku." Elder Johnson says. "This is where you'll learn how to fight, capture, and kill demons of various degrees." Elder Johnson pulls up the driveway of a building where several other parents and staff are dropping their kids off. "Here, here and don't take them out, okay?" Elder Johnson hands Zane a pair of blue contacts.

"Uh, okay?" He does as his father says. "What for?" Zane blinks to get adjusted to the new slightly blue world he promised his father he'd never leave. "This is weird."

"It's just a safety precaution." Elder Johnson says. "Now, good luck Zane. We'll see you soon." Elder Johnson let's Zane out and helps Zane with unloading his bag and blade. He then shows Zane the registration line and where to go afterwards. After everything is all said and done, Elder Johnson drives away leaving Zane in a strange, and ironic, new world.

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