Chapter 8

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The following few weeks are dedicated to learning their schedule with their mentors and starting to get a regular training schedule down and memorized. Quickly, star recruits are noticed by the Majors and Elders. Many of them may one day be working under or with some of the current members of the organization on actual missions.

Zane and Rose start talking more frequently as the weeks go on. Zane finds himself going out of the way to see her after some of his training with Jake who seems to have lightened up on him. Sometimes there does seem to be something bothering Jake but most times the two just go about their normal training schedule.

"So, I can tell that you've become quite proficient with that blade that you wield but everyone has to learn basic protection spells." Jake says one day in the afternoon. "I've got the entire field booked for the afternoon so in case something goes wrong, no one gets hurt."

"I don't know, Jake, what if I can't cast anything. You're already a proficient Cleric. How am I supposed to impress someone like you?" Zane asks.

"Well, I'm mostly looking for improvement. If you can use holy magic at all then it's a start and an amazing development towards your scoring." Jake's hands glow and runes start floating around it. "Just a basic bubble." Jake loves his hand in an infinity motion and surrounds himself on a glowing white bubble. "See, not hard."

"Okay, let me try." Zane puts his hands out in front of him and tries to channel the Holy Spirit. His hands burn a little but nothing else much happens. Jake immediately notices what's wrong.

"Your ring, it's a magic dampener." Jake says. "It prevents you from using any magic at all. If you take it off then you should be able to cast spells."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Zane says thinking back to the first night he was at Tengoku. The huge amount of heat coming off him and singing the floor, Zane doesn't want that to happen again.

"Listen, I don't care what you're dampening. Just take it off. If you don't want to then I'll just blast it off." Jake says.

"Oh, please don't." Zane pleads.

"You asked for it." Jake moves his hand in a cross motion and the ring flys off. At first Zane starts to panic but quickly realizes that nothing is happening. Maybe the first night was just his imagination. There never was any demon power in his room. It was all just a bad reaction to something he ate. That must be it.

"Oh, I didn't think that would happen." Zane says picking up and pocketing the ring. "Let me try again." Zane puts his hands out and immediately calls forth the white flow and runes. He does an infinity motion and bubbles himself. He starts burning.

'Wow, a being of demon blood using holy magic. The impossible is possible.' Jake thinks to himself. 'Though I do see that it's hurting him.' Jake waves his hands and both bubbles drop. "Good job. That was a perfect cast. Congratulations."

"What are you two doing down here in an empty field this late at night?" Elder Johnson walks down to the field towards the two boys. "I felt a faint magical presence. Are you two practicing spells?" His eyes scan Zane and immediately see the lack of ring on his finger. Elder Johnson has an internal panic but keeps it to himself.

"Yeah, he just uses the holy shield for the first time. He can now keep demonic beings away from him." Jake says confidently to the sweating Elder Johnson. "Sir, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. He uses the spell? Like, full bubble and everything?" Elder Johnson interrogates the boys.

"Yeah, you should've seen it dad! Nothing could've hurt me while I was in it." Zane does the spell again just to prove that he can.

Elder Johnson puts his hand on his forehead with astonishment. 'Holy magic coming out of my demonic kid. I never thought I'd see the day.' He thinks to himself.

"See! I did it!" Zane puts down the shield. "Though, it does burn a little." Elder Johnson feels all the color leave his face and his stomach sinks. His eyes jolted to Jake to see his reaction.

"Sure it does." Jake says. "How about I meet you in the mess hall in about 30 minutes?" Jake says to Zane.

"Uh, sure?" Zane grabs his stuff and runs up the hill towards the courtyard. Jake and Elder Johnson stand there alone in silence.

"I know." Jake says after about a minute of silence. "I know everything." Elder Johnson looks at him in confusion.

"I must not know what you're talking about." Elder Johnson replies. "I don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about."

"Father says you're a terrible liar. Now that I see it in action, he's right." Jake says. "I'm talking about your demonic son." Elder Johnson jumps right into action and puts Jake on the ground with his hand over Jake's mouth.

"You forget yourself, child." Elder Johnson says holding him down. "You don't know what you're talking about."

Jake blasts a magic ball straight at elder Johnson's chest and stands up. "I saw it all. My father filled in the rest and I don't care!" Jake says picking up his bag. "I don't like it but I want him on our side."

Elder Johnson stands up and looks at Jake in confusion. "You don't care about that..."

"I'm willingly spending time and effort to teach lucifers kids holy magic? Not in the slightest. I don't like the kid because of his father but that's not going to change how I treat him. Every kid deserves a chance at life." Jake looks up the hill at Zane. "Even the devils."

Elder Johnson puts down his guard. "Then promise me this, don't say a word to anyone. If word gets out, there are higher ups ready to kill him at any moment. So please, keep this to yourself."

"I promise you. As much as I don't like him, I don't want to see anything happen to him." Jake walks past Elder Johnson a little ways up the hill. "Besides, he's the only one here who could fight me one one one." Jake smiles at Elder Johnson and then jogs up the rest of the hill.

"Maybe everything will be alright." Elder Johnson says to himself.

"Don't be so sure." A deep voice says behind him. Elder Johnson spins around only to be knocked out cold.

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