Chapter 18

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Major Tom stands at the window in his office at the top of Tengoku. He looks down on the training field and watches his son duel with the demon child. He grinds his teeth in anger at the thought of his son being friends with such a monster. He spent his whole life instilling the fear and hatred of demons into his son and the way he repays him is by risking his life for the worst possible demon. It's blasphemy.

"Major Tom!" The embers in the fireplace start glowing and reignite themselves into a roaring fire. A face can be seen in the fire. "You have failed me once again! Draggloch came crawling back missing a hand and his tail!" Lucifer's face becomes clearer.

"It's not my fault your son is stronger and more skilled than the henchmen that you send to do your job." Major Tom says yelling at the fire. "You came down off your high horse one time and was sent running home with your tail between your legs. At this point it's your fault if the underworld falls!"

"You dare insult my intelligence and skill!" The fire climbs higher and Lucifer walks out of the fireplace. "You forget yourself!" He pushes Major Tom against the desk and stabs him in the leg. Major Tom bites his cheek to stop from yelling.

"If you want it done then give me the power to do it myself!" Major Tom says through the pain. Lucifer pulls the flaming knife out of Major Toms Leg. He falls to the ground trying to not scream.

"Why should I trust you to do something a more skilled warrior failed at?" Lucifer asks twirling the flaming knife in his hand. "Draggloch failed and you think you can do better?"

Major Tom grabs the desk and lifts himself up. "Because after the last time, I've been able to study the students who are left and know their patterns. I can take care of your child before anyone even knows what happened!" He let's go of the desk and stands up. "I also know a night where there won't be any elders or grand elders on the property."

Lucifer gives Major Tom a side eye look and raises a single eyebrow. "Now you've peaked my interest." He says as he stops spinning the knife. "But this better be good."

"In two weeks, at the end of the summer, the student mentors are putting together the annual end of the summer dance. That night, every Elder leaves the property and let's the student mentors control the gathering. If we attack that night then it'll be an army of demons against skilled children at best." Major Tom explains.

"Alright. I'll give you one more shot to make this right. Otherwise, I'll take your soul when you die." Lucifer says. "I'll give you some dark magic, which I haven't done to a mortal since the Salem witch trials, and I will expect you to succeed this time." The cracks in the floor start glowing purple. Lucifer backs up and blasts Major Tom with an aura of dark magic.

Immediately, Major Tom feels the effects that so many witches felt so many years prior. It's powerful magic that's hard to control but is more easily managed than pyromancy.

Once the spell is completed, Lucifer backs up and watches as Major Tom falls to his knees. "You, Tomas Sparks, are not my dark apprentice. Rise and face your master!" Lucifer commands. Major Tom rises and faces Lucifer. "Good, now, you will execute the plan you just described to me without failure. Do you understand!?"

"Yes, master." Major Tom says in a monotone voice. "As you wish." He leaves the room and Lucifer walks back into the fire and vanishes from the room.

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