Chapter 19

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With the final weeks of the summer coming to a close, only 48 hours are left for the new recruits before returning home. Jake gets up earlier than normal and gets ready for the day. He gets dressed and quietly pulls a small box out of the night stand. He makes Ellie a quick breakfast and leaves a note on it. He then heads down to mess hall with the rest of the male student mentors and they start setting up for the dance that night.

Zane wakes up early due to a knock at his door. He sluggishly gets out of bed and answers it. Standing there, arm in a sling, is his dad. Elder Johnson had managed to get discharged from the hospital early.

"Dad?" Zane says. Elder Johnson smiles. "Dad!" Zane pulls his father in and hugs him. Elder Johnson groans a little in pain. "Oh god I'm sorry." Zane apologizes.

"Zane, Lucifer put me through more pain than I could ever imagine. Your hugs are nothing." Elder Johnson says. "I can't stay long. The elders aren't allowed on the property tonight. It's an agreement made with the student mentors a few years back that we would let them have one day without supervision. It's a test of trust." He says. "I wanted to give you something before I go." With his good hand, he pulls out a bracelet from his pocket and hands it to Zane. "Go put it on in front of the mirror."

"Alright." Zane makes his way over to the bathroom and slides the bracelet on. The changes are noticeable immediately. His horns vanish and his skin returns back to the pale tone they were before. The tail also vanishes. "I...I don't know what to say...thank you!"

"I haven't been great about how I've kept your pass a secret from you and I want to try and change all of it. From now on, unless you're in public outside of Tengoku, you are able to be whatever color you want. Here or at home, you may be as red and devilish as you would like."

"Thank you dad." Zane says looking at the bracelet. "I can still feel my magic though. It's not dampening any of my abilities." Zane snaps his fingers and a flame sprouts from it.

"Because you've got it under control. I don't need to worry about you anymore. You're all grown up." Elder Johnson says looking down at his son. "You're not grown up enough to do anything like Jake and Ellie have but I trust you enough."

"You know about that? I thought they didn't tell anyone." Zane asks confused.

"They didn't. I just felt her being changed and investigated it. I won't tell anyone that they haven't." Elder Johnson winks. "Anyways, I have to go. You have fun tonight." He starts to leave. "Oh, and tell Rose I said hi." He shouts over his shoulder. He closes the door behind him.

"Thanks dad." He slides the bracelet on and off and just watches as his body changes back and forth. He's happy to be back to normal but he does question if he should hide who he really is. Though people hate and fear his demon side, does that mean he should hide it?

"Hello?" Rose's voice comes from the doorway. "Oh, what's that?" She says, looking at the bracelet he's holding.

"You're not supposed to see this yet." He says hiding it behind his back. "It's for you." Zane lies to her.

"Oh, Zane, you shouldn't have." She says. "You know that I'm going with you and not what you get me."

"Yeah, I know. I just thought that maybe it'd be nice to get you something." He says to Rose. "Just to signify our first date."

"You're sweet but you really didn't need to." She says. "Anyways, I wanted to come to make sure that you were up but I saw your dad leave on my way here so I figured that you were up."

"Yep, I'm so awake." Zane yawns after that sentence. "Mostly awake." He chuckles when he sees Roses smile. "You've got such a beautiful smile."

"Thank you. You've got a gorgeous shade of red on you." She compliments him back. "Anyways, I'm gonna go and I'll see you later. Pick me up around 5:30? My moms coming in for photos and would like to meet you."

"Does she know about me?" Zane asks.

"She will when you show up." Rose says on her way out of the room. She closes the door behind her on her way out.

He looks down at the bracket and then at his red skin. "Shit..."

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