Chapter 11

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Zane feels all the life drain out of him. Everything in his life is either a giant lie or a coverup to stop him from knowing who and what he is. Now, Of all the people who could be telling him the truth, it'd be the devil.

"Put him down!" Jake casts as many spells as he can in a short period and fires them all at Lucifer. It causes Zane to hit the ground and Jake to help up and back away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Zane says. "Aren't you afraid of me?" He asks Jake with concern in his voice hoping that this doesn't change their friendship they built up over the last month.

"No, we'll talk later." Jake says as he brings Zane over to Elder Johnson and bubbles all three of them.

"Would you look at that! Someone who knows how to do damage." The dust clears and Lucifer stands there with a burn mark on his tie. "It wasn't a lot but I can tell that you put all your power in that. Now, bring me my kid." Zane flies through the bubble and back into Lucifer's orbit. "Let's get you out of this terrible flesh they have you in."

"Lucifer, don't!" Elder Johnson yells as Lucifer heals the brand on the back of Zane. Elder Johnson is powerless as he watches his son start to turn red. Little horns start to grow out of his head and a forked tail whips out from behind him. Zane's canine teeth sharpen and his ears point out.

"Put the devil boy down." An old man appears behind Lucifer. He has a long white beard and a shaved head. He is also wearing a white suit with a black tie. The old man is also leaning against a cane. "I won't repeat myself again. Put the boy down."

Lucifer glares as he turns his head. "Peters." Zane falls to the ground and a couple of people rush over and pull him out of the immediate vicinity. Lucifer turns to face the old man. "What do I owe the surprise visit?"

"Get out of the compound." the old man says. "And never return." He taps the cane against the ground twice and a white ring appears around lucifer.

"Oh, well I better leave." Lucifer says with skepticism in his voice. "I know better than to fight the Grand Elder on his own holy grounds." Lucifer turns to face Zane. "I'll be back for you later, son." He burst into flames again and vanished from the grounds. Immediately, all the doors swing back open and the Warrior units rush into the room and surround Zane.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Jake steps in front of the Warriors and blocks them from aiming at Zane. "Did you just see what happened? This isn't his fault!"

"Step aside child." Grand Elder Peters walks over to the circle of Warriors. "His father knew what the risk was when taking the demon in. Now, get out of the way. The Warriors need to do their job."

"I'm sorry sir but I can't let you do that." Jake starts casting some defense spells. "He's just a kid. You shouldn't blame him for the sins of his father. I can't let you take his life."

"Jake, What are you doing!" Major Tom runs in followed by Ellie. "Son, you need to let him do their job. It's not your job to protect this boy."

"I know it's not my job, Tom, but I don't want to command men to kill a kid!" Jake says. "Sometimes, life may be worth more than just a paycheck!" Jake's hand starts to shake. Having put most of his power into a single shot at Lucifer has left him with barely enough to stand, much less cast spells. He knows that everyone else is aware of his lack of stamina but yet they aren't attacking. He looks at Ellie and see's frightened at his action. "Please, at least take it up with the council."

"Son, I need you to back..." Major Tom gets cut off by the Grand Elder.

"I, in my long life, have never seen someone so young willing to put their life in on the line to protect something that they truly believe in. It has been a long time since I've seen anyone put their life on the line for anything much less a demon. Jake, are you absolutely certain that this is something that you want to defend and pursue?" The Grand Elder asks Jake with a shine in his eye.

Jake's hands are not shaking violently. "Yes, I am absolutely certain that I'm willing to defend a defenseless kid." Jake turns his head to look at Zane. His red eye's are looking up at him with surprise and hope. Zane knows that his life is now in Jake's hands. Jake drops to his knees as he can no longer stand or cast. "Grand Elder Peters, I will put my own life on the line to defend him!" He looks up and sees Ellies face. She looks, to Jake's surprise, happy that he's doing this.

"Well you only leave me one choice then." Grand Elder Peters unscrews the top of his cane and pulls out a blade. Jake winces as he lowers it down towards his head. "By the power of God and the hope of the council, I deem thy Cleric Jake." Jake looks up in surprise. "For your bravery against lucifer and willingness to put his life on the line for a child of demonic bloodline, You have been deemed worthy."

"What...?" Jake looks up at the Grand Elder. "I don't understand!" Ellie runs over to him and helps him to his feet.

"You will be fully responsible for this child's development and training." Grand Elder Peters waves his hand and the Warrior unit puts down their weapons. "This being of demonic origin not only resisted the devils touch but also cast spells that should be blocked to him. I imagine that he had a wonderful teacher this last month." Grand Elder Peters looks at the hate in Major Tom's face and then back to the wounded Elder Johnson. "Tommy, would you please help the Elder to the medical ward?" Major Tom's face lights up red with hate but does as he is told. He picks up Elder Johnson and they walk out of the room. Grand Elder Peters then turns to Jake and Zane. "I can't wait to see how you two grow together."

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