Chapter 20

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As time clicks closer to the time of the dance, Jake sneaks away from the rest of the student mentors and makes his way to Zanes room. He enters and finds Zane running around trying to get all his stuff together. While he is mostly wearing his normal uniform but he is wearing a black blazer and a red tie.

"Hey, whoa okay, dressing like your father is sure to be alarming to some people." Jake says as he notices what Zane is wearing.

"Well, I'd figure I won't hide who I am. I'm me and that's that." Zane says confidently. "I can't hide this forever." He says as he feels the bracelet bounce in his pocket.

"Well, when are you picking Rose up?" Jake asks looking around. "Probably gotta be soon."

"I'm leaving in about 30 minutes." Zane says looking up at the clock. "Scratch that, 10 minutes."

"You look frantic." Jake says as he watches Zane almost literally bounce off the wall. "Just calm down. You'll be fine."

"I'm supposed to meet her mom tonight." Zane says. "I'm worried that once she finds out what I am she won't want me seeing her daughter anymore."

"Her mom probably won't." Jake says destroying Zanes' confidence. "But you also have to know that it's not her mom that you're taking to the dance. It's Rose. Who cares what others think. You just be you."

"You really think so?" Zane says calming down and sitting on his bed.

"I know so." Jake says. "Now, take this flower.." he waves his hand and conquers a flower. "And give it to her. She'll love it." He hands Zane the flower and takes off.

"Alright. I got this." Zane says as he jumps around a little. "Let's go." He goes to leave but turns around to look at his katana. "Damn....okay." He walks over to it and picks it up. "No, not tonight." He puts it back down and leaves his dorm.

Zane stands awkwardly right outside of Rose's dorm room with his hand raised in a fist to knock on the door. He hesitates just long enough to think about putting the bracelet on. Instead he decides not to. He knocks on the door three times.

"I got it." Rose's voice says from the inside of the room. There's a click as she unlocks the door and the door swings open. "Hey, you're here!" Rose says happily.

Zane is speechless. Her hair is tied behind her in a ponytail and a strand is just flowing in front of her. She has diamond studded earrings and her dress is a deep blue color that goes down to just above her knees. Her shoes are slide one that are the same shade of blue. She has bright red lipstick and some blush on her cheeks.

"Zane?" Rose snaps him back into reality. "You okay? You look like you just lost all control of your mind." She says smiling.

"Yeah, I'm better than fine." He says looking at her. "I'm looking at you." Rose turns a shade of red that could rival Zanes skin.

"Well, let me see him? Who the boy that..." Roses mom comes around the corner and stops when she sees Zane. "...Stole my daughters heart."

"Mom, this is Zane. He's the one who'll be taking me tonight."He makes me happy. I hope you'll understand." The two women look at each other and seem to just have an argument by staring at each other. Zane can tell that she doesn't approve of him.

"Well, as long as you're happy." Her mom says. "Let's get some photos of you two." It looks like it hurts her to say that. The two take what feels like hundreds of photos. Despite Rose's mother's feelings for Zane, she seems to have an interest in photography and is willing to even put time into a demon like Zane.

"Well, Zane, as weird as the whole demon costume is, it makes some pretty good photos." Rose's mom says. "Almost looks real even." Zane looks at Rose who returns the same look.

"Mom, it's not a costume." Rose says. "He's Lucifers kid but he's nothing like his dad."

The skin pigment in her face vanishes and goes a ghostly white. "Yeah, no, this isn't happening." She says. "No daughter of mine is going to be going out with the son of the devil!"

"Yeah, I knew you'd say that." Rose quickly moves her hand in a star shape. "Freeze." A white glow covers her mother and freezes her in place. "Let's go before that wears off." She grabs Zanes hand and the two run out.

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