Chapter 13

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Hours after dark, a man walks alone down the stony path towards the border of Tengoku. The night is darkened by an incoming storm. The man can hear thunder off in the distance as he makes it outside of Tengoku. Heavy rain starts falling down soaking the area. Lightning flashes illuminating Major Tom's face.

As he exits Tengoku, He reappears in a field not far from a highway. In the middle of the field is a clump of jagged rocks poking out of the ground. Major Tom looks around and finds a rock with a flat face on it. He walks towards it while dragging his hand on the jagged rocks. He pushes down on a sharp edged one and cuts his hand causing it to bleed. He drags his bleeding hand across the flat edge of the rock in the shape of a pentagram.

"Lucifer, qui vocat vos!" Major Tom speaks and flames shoot off from the rock. They spin around and draw a pentagram of fire between the rocks. The flames cast a devious shadow onto the flat faced rock and then, after a clap of thunder, a deep voice speaks.

"Ah, Major Tom." The flames circle around and quickly disperse leaving only Lucifer standing there. He's now red with big black horns sprouting from his head. Major Tom bows. "I didn't think that you'd show yourself to me after the failure that was your last idea to take over Tengoku."

"I'm sorry. I know I failed but I wasn't expecting for the Grand Elder to be on the premise at the time. It won't happen next time." Major Tom doesn't look up.

"You dare try and tell me that you'll do better. Your bastard son did more damage than you did!" Lucifer's eyes glow red with anger. "And not only that but our goal is now being protected by your son!" He starts walking around Major Tom. "You know what the oracle said! When a being of a demon and human reaches 18 rotations around the sun, they shall rein hellfire down upon the underworld."

"I understand." Major Tom says.

"Do you!" The flames of the pentagram increase in size and intensity. "Because there is only one being in the universe that fits that description! If my son hits 18 then he will be the downfall of the underworld! He needs to be killed!"

"Yes sir!" Major Tom feels that the flames are getting too hot to bear. "It won't happen again."

"I know it won't." Lucifer says. "I will be sending my top ranked general to go deal with it himself. I'll even send him with a small army." Lucifer looks down at the man kneeling before him. Be uses his foot to tilt Major Toms head up at him. "Don't fail me again!"

"I won't, Lucifer." Major Tom shows fear in his eyes.

"Good!" He pats Major Tom's face. "Now, run along before I decide I don't need you." Lucifer engulfs himself in flames and vanishes from this plane of existence. The flames of the pentagon go out with no sign of ever being lit. Major Tom now sits in the mud alone and wet, clenching his fist in hate.

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