Chapter 1

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Over the next 16 years, Elder Johnson would realize that raising the child would be much harder than previously believed. Quickly, he learned the kid was quite skillful in pyrokinesis, fire magic only capable of those of the underworld. Elder Johnson quickly solved that issue by gifting the child with a ring that would put a damper on his abilities. While that did work, if the child had a temper tantrum, the ring didn't work.

Over the first couple years, several members of the organization would come to check in on the child and Elder Johnson. Elder Johnson insured them that there would be no issue and that he would be a wonderful member of the organization one day. They all laughed at him. The only person who believed Elder Johnson was his wife, Amanda, who named the child Zane.

As Zane became older, his appearance started to alter as a result of his bloodline. His hair went white and his eyes started to form a red tint in them. Around the same time, Zane started public elementary school. White his appearance did frighten the other kids at first, then warmed up to him and eventually accepted his visual difference.

Going into middle school and his teen years is where Elder Johnson had the most difficulty with controlling Zane. With Zane having mood swings, the power dampening ring became less and less efficient. Elder Johnson had to start using more powerful techniques and spells to keep Zane under control during his mood swings.

Shortly after starting high school, Zane calmed down more and eventually turned into a well mannered young man. He was persuasive with the way he spoke and could generally get anything he asked for. Even though he knew he could get anything he wanted, he knew better than to try and use his personality for anything bad. He was becoming a well adjusted member of society and eventually, it became time for the top Elders to meet him and decide if he's a viable candidate for the Demon Hunter program.

There's a knock on the door. "Zane, could you be a dear and get that for me?" Amanda says no night. "That might be them." Zane gets up out of his seat and messes with his hair a little before jogging to the door. He opens it and standing there are several older men in suits.

"Elder Kyle, Elder James, Elder Rick, welcome." Zane bows and let's the three in who all shake his hand. As Zane closes the door, the three wipe their hands with wipes. While this confuses Zane, he doesn't question it.

"Ah, the Elders!" Elder Johnson walks down a flight of stairs. "Welcome to my humble home. Can I get you three anything to drink?" They all shake their heads no as they take a sit around the kitchen table. "Ah, right to business then. Alright, Zane, could you head upstairs while we make the decision?"

"Yes father." Zane responds as he leaves the kitchen closing the door behind him.

"I'll be honest, I can't believe that's the same child that we found that night." Elder Rick says as he takes a sip of wine from the glasses that Amanda laid out. "It seems you kept your promise, Johnson, but you've still got two years to prove that he won't go all demonic."

"I don't think that's going to happen." Elder James says. "I've met Zane before while I was on a monthly check in and the kid can make a mean pasta." James adds.

"While his cooking skill is definitely above average, what about his mental state?" Elder Rick asks. "Say at his age he gets his heart broken, how do we know your spells and ability to raise a child will keep his power under control?"

"If another new recruit or warrior who's not aware of who he is sees even a little pyromancy then he could be attacked." Elder Kyle adds. "How cooperative are people going to be if they find out he's the son of the devil?"

"How cooperative is Zane going to be if he finds out he's the son of the devil?" Elder James adds. The other elders shoot daggers at Elder Johnson.

"You haven't told him?" Elder Kyle asks furiously. "That could drive him insane later!"

"He knows he adopted so, like many adopted kids, he doesn't know his lineage and I tend to keep it that way." Elder Johnson says back. Amanda sits in the corner just listening to the group bicker back and forth.

"If I may," Amanda stands up. "I know I'm no longer an elder so my opinion doesn't add much but, if you're all so worried about it then how about you all train him personally away from the rest of the recruits after dark? Or at least with a group of students who are around his skill level?"

"So you're suggesting that we start an entirely new program to accommodate a single student?" Elder Rick asks. "No, if we accept him, he'll be put into a normal day class with other students like normal. If his secret gets out, we kill him. It's simple."

"Deal." Elder Johnson says affirmative.

"Johnson! What is wrong with you!" Amanda yells at Elder Johnson. "He is your son and you're willing to just throw his life away!"

"Amanda, you trusted me to bring a devil child into this house and you trusted me to raise a devil child under our roof. I need you to trust me one more time." Elder Johnson says standing to face his wife. "His life was already a bargaining chip. This doesn't change anything."

"Alright...if you say so." Amanda says sliding down into her chair. The other Elders all vote on Zane acceptance and with all four elders agreeing, Zane is accepted into the program on the condition that if he loses control, he gets put down.

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