Basic Straining (2/3)✅

Bắt đầu từ đầu

-For your next challenge, you will complete a three-hundred-word essay about how much you love... me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated!- Chef walks into the canteen.

I take a seat next to DJ and, Geoff sits next to me. I take a piece of paper, and pen and start to write. Three hundred words aren't that much for me, especially when I know Chef quite well. I put in my work all my gratitude and sympathy towards him. Knowing I have a lot of time, I make an effort to use my best handwriting. Once I'm finished, I look around and notice, sleeping, Trent. DJ next to me is struggling to stay awake. I tap his shoulder.

-Can I help you, big guy?

-Huh?- He looks at me absentmindedly.

-I asked if you want me to help you.

-Oh, no need. 

-DJ, you're sleeping. Are you sure you're alright?

-Yeah.- He rests an elbow on the table and lays his head on an open palm. He is slowly drifting off.

-If you're going to sleep, at least lay down properly or, you're back will hurt.- I nudge him. He lays down on the table and falls asleep. I sign and pat his back.

Buzzer informs us that time is out, and Chef collects all of our work. He starts to read Duncan's essay.

-"I love Master Chief Hatchet because he is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very..." This is just one sentence with five pages of "very"s in between!

-It's three hundred words exactly! You can count them if you want.

He then picks up my writing. It takes a while to receive a reaction. Chef sobs and remove a single tear that he shed. 

-That's the most beautiful thing I've read about myself. Alexandra, you're such a kind girl.- I give him a bright smile.

He moves to take Owen's assignment, but he slips on drool that has fallen from Owen's mouth. 

-Wipe up that drool, you little baby!- Chef hollers.

Owen was the last person in the line, so it's time to sum up the results.

-You two slackers are out. The rest of you, go to bed and report to the playing field at 0500 hours.- Chef kicks off Trent and DJ.

-Uh, missed a spot there, General.- Duncan approaches Chef, who is getting rid of Owen's saliva on his clothes at the moment.

-Boy! Do you wanna run fifty laps around this camp right now?! 

-No thanks! He's going straight to bed. Aren't you? - Courtney takes him aside.

After a short talk with juvie, she storms out of the canteen, and Duncan approaches Geoff and me.

-She's impossible.- Delinquent says.

-She likes you.- I comment.

-No doubt.- Geoff nods.

-I don't care.- He exclaims.

-Dude, get a grip on the reality. No one can solve it for you. We talked about it.- Geoff says.

-Princess, do you have any advice?

-My best friend always says to be straight. You should tell her you don't like her that way. If she's mature enough, she'll understand. It's not like we can force a person to feel something. It's beyond control.

-I'll do as you say then.- He wants to leave.

-Wait, don't tell her now. Do it after a challenge so she'll be able to think it through in peace.- I stop him.

Bitter sweet- TDINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ