Paintball Deer Hunter (1/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Thanks to DJ Bass won the challenge.

Alexandra made up with Duncan, taking their relationship to a whole new level, which lead Heather to a new plan.

How much can one kiss change?

I'm sitting on the pier, sketching the view. Bunny is peacefully sleeping on my lap. He left the boy's cabin and followed me.

Last night, Duncan walked me to the cabin after sunset. We didn't talk much about the kiss. I woke up early today due to emotions. I don't show them usually, but that doesn't mean I don't feel anything. I'd just rather stay collected and put distractions aside.

A perfect morning is wasted the moment my beloved host flies above the camp in the helicopter. The deafening noise makes me drop my pencil in the lake and makes Bunny jump off my lap to the water.


I jump to the water after him, grabbing the animal and resurfacing it. I hold him above my head to keep him safe.

-Oh! Hit the deck! They're coming, man! They found us!- I hear Duncan scream from the cabin.

-Huh! Ooh! Ugh! Okay, that dude is starting to get on my last nerve!- Leshawna yells.

I step onto the beach drenched with Bunny in my hands. I head to the camp disappointed.

-Alexandra, what happened?- Bri asks me when I come to our cabin.

-Bunny jumped into the water so, I had to get him out. Is DJ on the boy's side?

-I haven't seen him outside, so probably.

-Thanks, Bri.

I knock on the boy's door, waiting for a response.

-Coming.- Geoff opens the door.

-Hi Geoff, is DJ here?

-Hi Star, come in. DJ is inside.

I walk in and, Geoff closes the door behind me. I leave wet footprints with every step.

-DJ, I need you to take Bunny.

He looks at me from his bunk. He jumps off and approaches me. Since he found that pet, we usually share him. Sometimes we manage to play with him together.

-What happened?- He asks worriedly.

-I was on the pier with Bunny. He got scared because Chris and I had to save him. I'm sorry, I should have prevented it. I will be more careful next time.

-Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're both safe.- He takes Bunny from me and rubs my shoulder.

-Well, well you look incredible like always, darling.- Duncan wraps his arms around me from behind. His chest is warm against my soaked clothes.

-Good morning to you too. I don't want to ruin the moment, but since I had a lovely swim in the lake, I'd like to take a hot shower.

-It can wait.- He whispers in a raspy voice.

-It could, but for Heather, it's impossible. She is using up all the warm water.

-Then why don't, you use the boy's shower?- Duncan continues.

-Don't you even think about it. I'll see you later.

I escape his grasp and quickly pick up my necessities from the cabin. When I see the restroom my mood is screwed. All the girls are waiting in the queue.

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