If you can't take the heat (1/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Bass won the challenge and, Cody went home, but all those events were a background for the kissing drama. Heather's plan worked, and Courtney kissed Duncan. Well played Heather, no one even considers it can be your job, Duncan drew all attention to himself. At least Alexandra didn't fight with Gwen about Trent. What a day we had. Hope you're ready for the next.

I'm peacefully sleeping, but like always in the morning, someone causes a commotion. That one day, when I'm sleeping, it has to be so close. From the boy's side precisely.

-Ugh! Not cool, Harold, man! Not cool!- Duncan yells.

-Those aren't mine!- Redhead protests.

-Oh right! You're always leaving your gitch lying around!- Duncan complains.

-No, I'm not! Gosh!

-Uh, yeah you are, dude!- Geoff joins.

-Shut your mouths or, I'll pay you a visit! Some people want to sleep!- I knock on the wall.

-Sorry, Star.- Geoff apologizes. They start to talk quieter, so I'm drifting off again, but...

-Whatever. I'm going for a shower!- Harold hollers, slamming the doors. As much as I'd like to catch some Zs, I feel as though I can't leave Harold. Most people don't like him or just don't care but, he's actually my friend. Sure he's not a typical teen but, I like him. He's one of the few that didn't accuse me during the diary accident. He has my gratitude. He's the only boy on my team that didn't stab my back. I get up and shuffle to knock on the boy's doors. Duncan opens the door for me. I walk past him, ignoring his presence.

-Do you mind explaining why are you picking up a fight with Harold?- I demand.

-Dude is leaving his undies everywhere.- Geoff explains.

-You could've just asked politely. He doesn't look for trouble.

-But he ain't listen.- Geoff says.

-Look, I'm usually a morning person, but I'm on edge recently so, instead of staying calm, I can be jumpy. I'd appreciate it if you decently soothe this situation.- I plead, looking between Geoff and DJ.

-We'll try.- DJ says.

-Promise?- I raise my brow.

-Promise.- DJ nods.

I smile slightly and walk out of the cabin.

-Wait!- Geoff runs after me.

-I'm done talking with you.- I say.

-It's not like this. Duncan manipulated the clip.

-No, he didn't. I knew since Phobia Factor you were hiding something. I just never thought you think so lowly about me. 

-But I don't.- He cries.

-You're pathetic, Geoff. If you had an ounce of dignity, you'd handle the consequences of your actions better. You look so clueless and weak, maybe you should ask your prize for your opinion. Oh, wait I forgot, you lost. - I finish and head off to the restroom.


Duncan: She's ignoring me. I thought she'll be fuming that she'll beat me up, but she was ignoring me. How am I supposed to clean the air if she's like that? Fuck this shit, maybe I don't have to. I can win this money sticking to Courtney, she fancies me so much I could ask her for anything.

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