Haute Camp-ture✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Alexandra found the common ground with Geoff, and they claimed their invincibility.

Heather was finally voted off. What amazing news for our campers, right.

As Geoff said, it's high time to party.

I'm dancing with Trent, a bright smile on my face. He's a great dancer, so it's an utter joy for me. He twirls me around with ease, flawlessly following the beat. Next to us, Geoff is bobbing with Gwen.

-Where did you learn to dance like this?- I whisper to Trent once I'm close to him. He twirls me one more time and drags me close by my waist.

-I had some classes. You're not bad yourself.- He winks.

-I love dancing, and it's pleasure to be led by you.

-Pleasure is mine.- He kisses my palm, smoothly leading me to another twirl.

-Hey, people I've got us something.- Duncan walks into the canteen with a bag.

-Hey! That's my bag!- I point at him.

-I borrowed it for a higher good.- He smirks.

-Duncan, my man. What did you get?- Geoff walks up to him.

Punk takes out of the bag alcohol. He got beer, some vodka, and champagne.

-I hope you didn't steal it from Chef.- I raise my eyebrow.

-Nope. I stole it from Chris.- He smirks.

-Alexandra?- Gwen places a hand on my shoulder.


-My lady, would you fancy accompanying me with some bubbly tonight?

-I would be honored.- We giggle.

-Geoff?- Duncan picks up the vodka bottle.

-I'm game.- Blond smiles.

-Trent?- Punk turns to him.

-Just a beer.

-Pussy.- Duncan coughs, and I whack his head.

-Didn't you bring an opener?- Gwen looks at Duncan.

-I can open it with a pocket knife. Give me a sec I'll get it.- Duncan states.

-No need. Hand me the bottle.

She does as I said. I take it and head towards the wall. I look for protruding parts. Once I locate it with a swift move, I open the bottle.

-And here goes the satisfying pop.- I chuckle.

-Nice.- Geoff picks up the cap that flew in the air.

-Where did you learn it, princess?- Duncan asks.

-I have friends who know how to do things like this.

-Sounds like a party crew.- Geoff perks up.

-Kind of.- I giggle.-Are we getting this party started or what cheers everyone

I hand Gwen a glass of champagne and help myself one.

Meanwhile in Losers Villa

Noah, Justin, Leshawna, Tyler, Eva, Lindsay, Beth, and, Cody are sitting in the living room, waiting for the eliminated contestant to show up. Soon Bridgette joins them with a hopeful look on her face.

-Waiting for this, douche?- Eva addresses her.

The blond doesn't answer and sits in the corner.

-To be fair, I think it's him.- Tyler says.

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