Up the creek (2/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

The new challenge sent campers to Bony Island.

Gwen talked with Alexandra about her feelings but was they really alone?

Duncan and Alexandra fought again, and Geoff used it to spend more time with Alex.

I watch as Duncan walks away. I turn to Geoff since he's my new partner.

-Thanks for watching out for me.

-It's no problem, Star. I like you better with a smile, so I'll try to give you reasons to smile. Besides, I promised you on day one, stick around and you'll be fine.- He kisses my palm, something that became our thing recently.

-You're too sweet. Hope my smile is worth all this trouble.

-Some things are priceless.- He holds my hand.- And I know that one is worth everything.


Heather: Great everything fits together. It's high time I took control over everything. They'll dance like puppets in my show. It's obvious both Duncan and Geoff like that blond idiot. Thanks to my last night's finding, I know Trent has a thing with her also. Now I only have to decide which string pull first, or which will be more effective. Is it Christmas already?

- Let's just get this over with.- Gwen says.

Gophers take their canoes and head to the forest.

-What are you waiting for? We have to catch up.- Courtney yells.

We follow the other team to the forest. We easily find them because Owen moves extremely slowly. For a moment, we walk together.

-Gah! I think I saw something. [gasps as leaves rustle and monster beavers appear] Monster beavers!- Cody panics.

Everyone screamed, and when Gophers ran away, I manage to gather my team in nearby shrubbery. Animals follow our competition. I take a look out of the bush.

-They're gone. Come on, we don't want to wait for them.- I announce.

-But which way should we go?- Bri asks.

-There's just one path. We should follow it. Even though Gophers took it too, I don't see much sense in finding our way. Forest can be deceptive. Flora is thick, and it won't be easy to walk through it too.- I explain.

-That's a rational plan.- Bridgette says.

-She's right.- Harold nods.

-Take the lead then, captain.- Geoff nudges me.

-Alright. Stay close. We don't want to get separated.- I start to walk ahead of the group with Geoff. He's taller, so he's taking most of the canoe weight.

-Hey, I'm the leader!- Courtney protests.


Alexandra: I'll follow Gwen's advice. I'll just ignore her.

I walk, not paying attention to the screaming girl. Everyone soon follows me. I pay more attention to my surroundings, knowing my team counts on me. Our walk is peaceful until I hear rustling from a nearby bush. I stop in my tracks, stopping the others.

-What is it?- Geoff whispers.

-Stay put. I'm going to check.

-What if it's dangerous?- He mumbles.

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