Hide and Be Sneaky (1/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Owen got eliminated after he decided to comply with Heather.

Conflicts ceased.

And Geoff confessed to Alexandra, guess what she said yes.

It's early morning. I'm sitting with Geoff on the pier. I smoothly play with the strings of my guitar, creating a soft tune, while he's repairing his hat, that got torn last night.

-Can you sing to me?- He asks suddenly, making me blush.

-If you want. I'm anxious about my voice sometimes.


-I was the worst at singing classes.- I confess embarrassed.

-For me, you're the best singer ever, because you're genuine in that.- He smiles.- I fail almost all my math exams. Do you have a singing mentor?

-I always wanted to sing like my mom.- I smile.

-I'm sure she's proud of you.

-I hope she is, wherever she is. She died two years, ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Do you still want to be with me?

-Of course, I do. It changes nothing.- He smiles.

-Someone people think that kids from incomplete families are not capable of love.- He turns my face in his direction.

-Alexandra, I see this spark in you and whatever you decide to do with it will be amazing. Whether you sing, paint, or dance. You're perfect the way you are.- He kisses my forehead.

I pluck up my courage and think of my music choice.

And I never want you to leave

when you're here I just wanna believe

you and me, we've got all the right reasons

and baby I, think I'm catching feelings

and your smile could light up the world

and I don't want any other boy

you and me, we've got all the right reasons

and baby I, think I'm catching feelings

-You're so sweet, I wish I also had musical talent, so I could write songs about you. I know you love the songs from Trent so much- Geoff sighs.

-No need, I actually feed on opinions, not musicians themselves. I love when people have strong opinions. I want to suck in all these smart things they have to say like a sponge. Every story I hear is valuable to me.- I say to Geoff.

-Like did you know, that Vincent Van Gogh used to eat yellow paint? Many people thought he was mad or stupid for doing so because the paint was toxic. If he was so unhappy that even the maddest idea could possibly work, like painting his internal organs yellow, I don't see why not. It's no different than taking drugs or falling in love. There is a greater risk of getting your heart broken or overdosing, but people still do it, because there is always a chance it will make things better. Everyone has their yellow paint. - I carried on.

-Yellow is your favorite color, isn't it?- Geoff looks at me- You talk about it often.

-I like the idea of yellow. Do you know what is synesthesia?


-For instance, when I think of yellow, I feel warmth around me. One sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. I like the feeling yellow gives me, but it's not my favorite color. I prefer blue or purple, maybe.

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