Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (2/3)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

The situation got its momentum, and Alexandra broke up with Geoff.

Bridgette left the show, and Heather succeeded once again.

With just six contestants in the game, the rivalry will get fierce, no doubt.

-Duncan, I have an idea.- I run out of the tent.

-I'm all ears.- Punk turns to me.

-I need you to help me sneak into Chris's lodge. - I state.

-What?- He looks with disbelief in his eyes.

-I'm very unsure of stuff right now. -I mumble.

-When was the last time you were sure about stuff?

-I'm not sure, to be honest. - I look up at Duncan- I need him.



-He's not here.

-That's why I need your help.

-What does Chis's lodge has to do with it?

-It has a phone.


Duncan: I've never seen her so hurt. She hides it, but I know now, how good she is at concealing her feeling. I'll help her no matter what. They may kick me out whatever. She's too good to let her suffer alone. You may say I'm a weak guy, cause I have feelings. Fuck this, everyone has feelings. I'm not an exception and I'm not ashamed to say I care about her, not anymore.

-Do you think it's a good idea?- He asks me.

We're hiding in the shuddery close to Chris's cabin. He's inside, so we're waiting for the right moment to proceed with our plan.

-Not really.- I answer.

-Good, I would be concerned if you did.- He sighs. - I don't think we're going to make it, princess.

-Of course, we are going to make it.- I state.

-I think you're overestimating my skills.

-Shh... He's leaving.- I focus on Chris.

He goes in the direction of the canteen, not noticing us. I tug at Duncan's sleeve and, he nods. We sneakily make our way to his place. It's dark inside. Duncan takes out his lighter, and I take out my flashlight. We go through the cabin in the hope, that he left his phone somewhere there.

Duncan's P.O.V.

I opened a drawer next to the table in the study. There are all the documents with information about the contestants. I run through them and take out a few Heather's, Geoff's, and Alexandra's. I hide them under my shirt, so she won't notice.

-It's here!- I hear Alex from a different room.

-Water bed, was not what I expected.- I go into the bedroom where my friend is.

-I think it's cool. Watch this.

She jumps on the bed and happily bounces on it. Her giggles fill the room, and I smirk.

-Enjoying yourself?- I cross my arms.

-Yes, indeed.- Suddenly, her eyes become bigger, and I swear I can see them shining.- Look.

She jumps off the bed and walks up to a shelf in the corner.

-A record player. Old school, I love it.- She chooses an LP and turns it on.- Chris has good taste after all.

Bitter sweet- TDITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang