Camp Castaways (3/3)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

After an unpleasant morning, our campers gathered in a treehouse.

An argument between Alexandra and Duncan is still vivid, which caused the group to part.

Now Gwen, Trent, and Alex are on their way back to camp.

-List of your crushes go!- Gwen shouts.

-Tom Holland, Thomas Broody Sangster, Ben Barnes, Geoff...- I struggle a little.

-It's so cute that you said, Geoff.- Gwen laughs. 

I cover my cheeks to hide my blush. 

-Yeah, lovely.- Trent sighs.

-Favorite singers, go, babe!- I point at Trent.

-Edd Sheeran, JP Saxe, Demi...

-Demi like Demi Lovato?- I ask.

-Yeah.- He shrugs.

-No way.- Gwen giggles.

-What?!- Trent blushes madly.- I think she's pretty.

-Gwen, we shouldn't be judging him. Demi is cool. You just somehow don't look like her listener.- I shake my head, but can't help the smile on my face.

We walk out of the forest and enter the clearing. I was there before. It's the same glade, full of flowers that Trent chose for our meeting. Colorful flowers look like a rainbow on the ground. 

-This place is magical.- Gwen breathes.

-Yes, it is.- Trent gazes at me, and I blush slightly.

-You know what, I have an idea. We should totally take some photos here.

-No.- Gwen opposes.

-Please, I need some photos for my diary. You're my friend. I need to have you there.- I make puppy eyes.

-Fine, but not too much.- She shrugs in defeat.

-Yes, pretty!- I salute and take my camera.

After 15 minutes of goofing around, swapping places, and having a good time, we decide to head back to camp. When I pick up my bag, I notice slightly crocked flowers on the right. It looks as if someone went through this path before and, I'm aware in which directions it's headed.

-I know where we are exactly, and so does Trent. You should go to the camp. There's something I need to check. - I turn to my friends.

-Is everything ok?- Trent asks.

-Sure thing.- I nod.

-Secretive like always. We'll leave you to it then.- Gwen smirks and takes Trent by the elbow, leaving the clearing.

-Don't come after Duncan tho. We can't have you eliminated.- Trent winks before they disappear between trees. 

I take out a pin I found earlier and, with a heart full of hope, I head to my secret nook. I stay dead in my tracks when I notice someone is sitting there. Those white hair and backpack with colorful badges. I smile, and tears fill my eyes. Like crazy, I run to him and hug him from behind.

-Porter.- I whisper into his back. He turns around and wraps me into a bear hug. I can't stop smiling through the tears.

-How did you do it? It must have been difficult as hell to get here. Do your parents know?

-For you, I'll risk it all. I told you I'm coming, didn't I?- He pats my head.- I told my dad no worries, and actually, Steve helped me get to the boat. He was worried. I was worried. You did something out of your normal behavior to reach me, and I had to do the same.

Bitter sweet- TDIWhere stories live. Discover now