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Ik I was evil last time!!! MUAHAHAHAHA-anygays, there's gonna be some smut in this chapter. Well technically I guess? Not too deep in. Just kinda the start?

Everyone out in the hall gave Gaara and i a few minuets and then people started flooding in. Lets just say hugs and tears were passed around. "Thank you Itachi." I whispered and hugged him. He hugged me back tighter. "Anytime little brother." He whispered. I smiled and I turned to the 30 anbu in the room, some in normal clothing and some in uniform. But no matter they all  were on their knees. I rolled my eyes. THIS TIME LITERALLY!

"Dear Jupiter-get your asses up! I'm not on the clock!" I laughed. They laughed as well and rose to their feet. I got congratulations and hand shakes. Then I went over to my flower and picked him up and put him on my hip. "Thank you everyone. For being here." I smiled. 

"Ohhh captain." The anbu swooned. We all laughed and went home. We had been making too much noise. We would all celebrate tomorrow so they all went to their separate homes, but Gaara went to ours.

⚠️⚠️⚠️If you have the innocent bean mind pls skip down to next bold words⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Your so beautiful my flower." I whispered. He blushed at the compliment and I laid him down on the white sheets. I started kissing his pale neck and he gave out soft moans. I chuckled and started on my artwork. 

I started giving him hickies in the shape of a heart on his neck. I smirked and sent him a mind-link picture of how it looked. He blushed and tried to hide his face in his hands.

"Awww come on flower! Don't hide when I can finally see your beautiful face." I cooed. He flushed more and I chuckled. I slowly trailed down to his pants and looked up at him. "Do you trust me?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you want to do this?" I asked. He nodded immediately. I smiled.

And later that night, we both had the best night of our lives.

⚠️⚠️⚠️Alright innocent children,it's over⚠️⚠️⚠️

When I woke up the next morning Gaara was out of his bed. I could smell food cooking downstairs so I got out of bed and got dressed. When I came downstairs my flower my in a pink apron doing the dishes. I smirked and I ran up behind him and picked him up by the waist. 

"Gah!" He yelped as I spun him around. "Naruto! Put me down!" He laughed. "Of course my love." I smiled. He smiled back and kissed me on the cheek. I turned to the table and saw the feast awaiting me.

"So, when is everyone going to get here?" I asked. He shrugged. "Anytime. I except them just to burst in-" he was cut off by loud yells and excited laughter coming in through the door. I chuckled and the genin flooded through the door.

"Hey! I call dibs on the bacon!" Kankuro yelled. "It's for all of us moron!" Ten ten yelled. "Yeah! And pass some here!" Choji yelled. "Oh Choji! Go easy on the food!" Ino scolded.

The conversations went on and on while we laughed. "Alright, the anbu aren't coming since they have missions, but Kakashi,iruka, Itachi, and anko is coming. As well as Jiraiya." I explained. They all nodded and soon the other guests came one by one, well Kakashi and iruka came. And I could sense their chakra on one another and their clothes were messy and Kakashi's mask was on backwards. I escuse myself and went to my room to cackle like an idiot.

When I came back downstairs I saw iruka and Kakashi just leaning against one of the walls and so I stood beside them.

"So, how hard did you two fuck before coming here?" I asked. Iruka and Hatake choked on air. I smirked and watched them look at each other in fear. "Don't even think about telling the squads." Iruka warned. I chuckled. "You can't give me orders Umino!" I laughed. 

(Iruka's real name is Iruka Umino btw if ya didn't know)

"Ok ok! But...are you going to tell the squads? Or all of kohana?" Hatake asked fearfully. I just frowned and put a hand on my chest in hurt. "I'm soooo sad that you think I would do that Hatake! But no, I won't tell anyone. Unless my flower asks. I don't keep anything from him."

"Oh thank the heavens!" Iruka whispered. "But...that doesn't mean I won't use it as blackmail!" I laughed. Their eyes turned wide and they looked at me. "That's illegal!" Hatake defended. I rolled my eyes.

"If you kicked me out of the village, you would loose your most powerful weapon to the sand shinobi." I deadpanned. "Why the sand?" Hatake asked. I sighed a painful sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Who is my boyfriend Hatake?" I asked. He made a face of what looked like to be an "o" face and I just rolled my eyes and iruka pat his back.

"I can see who the smart one of the relationship is." I chuckled.  Hatake glared at me and I smirked.

"So, how far are you in your relationship? I know your like, what? Two months into dating? But you guys are totally in love." Iruka asked. I smiled. "I love that boy more than you think. And...I'm not sure where this relationship will go. Sometimes I picture what it would be like to be married to him. I know that's moving very quickly but....love goes at its own pace." I smiled.

Even Hatake smiled at that. "It sounds nice." He told me. I nodded. "What's gonna happen on missions?" Iruka asked. I shrugged. "We haven't talked about it but I think he wants to become a leaf ninja. I'm not going to force him into anything but it would be nice. We could even go on missions together." I smiled just at the thought. 

"It's pretty scary isn't it? Having somebody you love. People can easily take advantage of that." Hatake whispered. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

"It is. And I used to be a heartless merciless killer. I only defended for myself because that's all I had. Now, I have something to defend with my life. People I never thought I would have. Friends. Brothers. A boyfriend. And protecting those people push me farther."

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