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Before we knew it the second part of the chunin exams was over. We all were led into a large hall and we could look down onto the fights. The panda was next to me and his siblings next to him. My squad was standing beside me.

They were all highly supportive of our relationship.

Sakura had squealed like a fan girl with Temari.

Susake had clapped and hand to my back and nodded in approval.

Kankuro had threatened me but congratulated us none the less.

And we were all happy. 

Jiji explained the preliminary event and the first fight would be Susake and rock lee. Susake was able to pull through and win,  but was highly damaged. Rock lee was as well but he simply passed out from exhaustion.

Next was Kiba and i.

"I forfeit!" Was his immediate reaction and he grabbed akumaru and hid behind his squad. I chuckled and shook my head. 

The matched went on and the people who passed were

My flower, Choi, Shino,neji, ten ten, Kankuro, Temari, shikimaru, and I. 

"Didn't we already take out those sand village ninjas?" I asked panda-Chan. He shrugged. "I don't think we took their scroll." He explained. I sighed and nodded.

"At least they got their asses beat again." I chuckled and the entire squad left. He agreed. I looked jiji starring  into my soul. I yelped and jumped behind gaara.

"Your stronger than Kaze level and an old man scares you?" Gaara asked me with a bored expression. I nodded. "My flower, if I die I want you to know I love you." I said dramatically and placed my forearm over my eyes and swayed. He rolled his eyes and i pecked his cheek. He smiled slightly and then Kakashi shunshined in front of us scaring everyone but me.

"And that doesn't scare you?" Panda-Chan asked me. I chuckled. Kakashi bowed at my feet and I rolled my eyes. "Get your ass up Kakashi. I'm not in gear right now." I scolded. He sighed. 

"I see you have a new tattoo captain." Kakashi sighed. I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my neck. "New?"  Gaara asked. I gulped and clung to Kakashi. "Get us out of here Hatake!" I yelped and Kakashi shunshined away.

 "We need to seal the mark Captain. We have anbu in here though, is that alright?" Hatake asked. I nodded and he started setting up his ritual shit. 

"So who was that?" Kakashi asked with a smirk while writing on the floor. I smirked back. "My boyfriend." An anbu spit out his water in the hall. "Wow, I didn't know the cold hearted kitsune was capable of loving?" Hatake teased.I glared at him. "Dont. Or else I'll take away your Itcha Itcha paradise books and not let the Pervy  sage sign them." I rolled my eyes. "It's not that hard when your with the panda." I chuckled, he sighed. 

"Alright Captain, are you ready?" He asked. I sighed and nodded. He made a few handsigns and then the symbols ran at the mark. I bit my lip. The pain was unbearable. Like I was on fire. And the flams were finding ways into my body. Or I was getting slashed by millions of knives. 

I couldn't help but scream. Only one word could describe that scream. Agony.  The anbu in the room were shaking. They had never heard the kitsune scream. He has serrated his wounds with a blazing hot knife and didn't even flinch. He's pulled bullets and knives out of him with no second thoughts. They would probably all have nightmares for the rest of their lives.

I was panting, and trying to keep breathing. I thought of my flower and it brought a ghost of a smile on my face. the curse sign was sealed and I collapsed on the floor panting.

Kitsune (ANBU naruto/Gaanaru)Where stories live. Discover now