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It was time to go out for our mission even though I don't know what we're doing. I had dressed in black cargo pants and a black-ish blue-ish shirt with the Uzumaki symbol on it. 

(Ok I got some details in his outfit-his shirt is half black and half dark blue and his Uzumaki clam symbol separates the colors. His pants are the same in the anime just black.)

I was waiting at the gate for a few minuets waiting for Kakashi sensei. I sat down and closed my eyes. Once I heard him shunshined I didn't hesitate walking out of the gates. I wish I could see how the green Trees used to sparkle in the sun-or the shimmering water. I don't wish for a lot but when I do...it's meaningful.

I kept my distance from the old man and Kakashi and him started a conversation and duck-butt tried to start one with me. "Hey naruto? Why did you flip out like that yesterday?" He asked. "Personal." Is all I awnsered not even sparing him a second glance. He kept trying to start conversations with me only to be replied with one or two words. When he was about to yell at me I stopped him. There was a puddle. It hasn't rained in days. I ran up to it and jumped putting all my weight onto it. Sakura screamed at me for being childish but abruptly stopped when she heard the yelps of pain. 

The demons popped out of the water like weasels. "A-ah! I-I-it's y-you!" Gōzu cried.  "P-please spare us!" Meizu begged. They both instantly dropped on their knees to me. "What the hell are you doing here demon brothers?" I asked venom dripping with every word. "We w-were hired by g-ganto! We need the money so we had to take it!" They both yelled at the same time. I scowled and sighed. "Get the fuck out of my sight before  I change my mind." I growled. You didn't have to tell them twice. They hopped away but before they could gōzu accidentally dropped his knife,

That was laced in a highly deadly poison. It hit me before i could react and grazed my hand. I scoffed. And continued walking. "Naruto! You have to get the poison out of that! If I'm correct your lucky you haven't died by now!" Sakura yelled. I scoffed for what felt like the millionth time that day. "Don't need it. I'm immune to all poison. Besides it already out of my system the second it entered it." I replied casually and kept walking. 

"How the hell are you immune to poison?" Susake accused. I glared at him. "Probably because of how many times I've had it." I whispered sadly and kept walking. I clenched my eyes shut. I refused to cry here. Not now. 

"Well tazuna care to explain why the demon brothers were after you?" Kakashi asked. Tazuna sighed and explained how his village could only afford a c rank mission.

"Well this mission has easily turned into an A rank mission so we could go back to the village-" Kakashi started but I cut him off. "Weve been stuck with petty D-rank missions and now we get a nice mission we're gonna give it up? I think the fuck not. We keep going." I ordered and walked to the water.

 I saw the small boat that we were supposed to get in and I immediately declined.  I can't handle small spaces....not after...

It was a normal day-the sun shinning, birds tweeting and naruto Uzumaki running around trying to escape the villagers. He still had his sight so he could maneuver through the streets...well that was until a man grabbed him and took him someplace in the woods. Four-year old naruto was crying and pleading to be let out of the small cage he had been locked in. 

Everyday the man would come and beat him but one day...the man got bored.

He threw naruto on the bed and chained him down. Naruto's pleads going on deaf ears..

You know the rest...

Naruto was found with blood and other substances trailing down his legs and still locked in that small ass cage.

"I'm not going in there." Is all I said. "Then how the hell are you going to come with us dobe?" Susake asked. For his awnser I simply channeled chakara into my feet and spwalkied onto the water besides the boat. They gapped at me but I barely reacted still shaken up from the memory. "Naruto how do you know Chaka control?" Sakura gaped. I shrugged. "You've got a lot of free time when people hate you." Is all I responded before continuing to walk to the land of water.

Once arrived squad seven and the old geezer thanked the person who got us there. I heard rustling from a bush and shot a kuni at it. "Naruto you Baka! It's just a rabbit!" Sakura shouted picking up the....white rabbit. "Get down!" Kakashi and I barked as I tackled Sakura to the ground. Her face flushed when she saw I was on top of her. 

"Fuck that shit bitch-I'm gay." I what I meant to say in my head. Kurama was rolling around laughing his furry ass off and this time susake blushes. "Well sorry susake but you're brother would personally end my life if he found out I nailed you." Is what I luckily thought this time. I recognized the long knife in one of the trees and my eyes widened in shock and I was frozen in my shoes. Zabuza emerged from the tree line and I could barely move. 

"Naruto get back here!" Kakashi yelled. "Naruto!" Sakura yelled. Then susake said the one thing that I wished he would never say. "Uzumaki get your ass back here!" I slowly turned around to him and made all my fear into my eyes. "ITS YOU! THE BLOODY-" I cut him off with a swift kick to the jaw. "Ooohhh so your friends don't know your little secret eh? How much do they know exactly? Do they know if the villagers? Your parents? Your disability?" He teased. And i fucking snapped. I started hopping around him so fast that it looked like a black blur. 

"Say one more fucking word about my life and I'll make your last moments highly painful." I growled releasing some of my K.I. Zabuza shuddered and then laughed. "It's been a while eh Uzumaki? You language is just as bad as your mothers-" I snapped again. I charged at him and started releasing countless amounts of punches and kicks. He was barely able to keep up. 

I felt my nails grow into talons and my canines grew into teeth Dracula would envy. I felt my chakra grow around me and I got into one of the poses I've seen the inuzuka kid do. I heard the shocked gasps and let out the clone jutsu. About two hundred clones appeared. A hundred of us got on all fours and charged at Zabuza. The other hundred all yelled "RASANGAN!" and all formed pretty big rasangans. 

Then we all charged and we managed to get some good hits without doing any harm to ourselves. We all got our blows at him and then of all times-The hunter nin that was in the trees hops down and takes the body away to "not harm the children's innocence". I know for a fact Zabuza is not dead and that hunter nin is a fake but I don't have the motivation to care about that at a moment. I had to worry About squad seven.

"Naruto...what the hell was that?" Sakura whispered. "Why the hell did you go bezerk at the name of your mom?" Susake asked, tazuna was practically whaking in his shoes and Kakashi was sighing. "Well Sakura that was called a weak fight. And susake-because. I'm not in the mood for my whole life story." I shrugged, they all (Except hatake) just gaped at me and I smirked. "Well we going to stand here all night or are you guys going to sleep-and before I get any questions I'm just going to say insomnia's a bitch." I deadpanned and tazuna started walking to his house. 

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