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I quietly creeped through the door to not wake the sleeping panda in my arms. THATS IT! THE NEW NICKNAME! I chuckled to myself and snuck up to my room and placed the panda in my bed. I went back downstairs to eat something to restore some of my chakra.

I was relaxing eating some cookies when Kankuro burst through the kitchen door. "Is he ok? Where did you guys go? Did you fuck him." He asked quickly grabbing me by the scruff of my collar. I chuckled and let him lift me in the air. I quirked an eyebrow at him and he sighed and dropped me, going to fill up a glass of water.

"The flower is sleeping on my bed, I went to my favorite pond to clear my head and he followed me, and no, I did not fuck him. But we are dating now." I said nonchalantly. He spit out his drink. I sighed and felt around the sink for the paper rolls I always keep there. I quickly cleaned up the mess and looked at him.

"How?" Was all Kankuro could muster. I shrugged. "I kissed him-" his yell stopped me. "HOW?" he yelled. I chuckled. "He was teasing me so I warned him, he didn't believe me so I pushed him in the lake with me. I kissed him there and then we both decided to date." I answered.

Kankuro shook his head in disbelief and I laughed. "Alright dude, I totally support my baby brother in whatever he does, so break his heart and I'll break you." He growled. I nodded.

"No need for that. I...like your brother more than I can put into words. He's so fragile and delicate and can fall apart with the slightest touch if your not careful enough. Like a flower. But he's so beautiful that you can't help but take your chances." I hummed. He stared at me in shock.

"Are you a poet or something?" He asked. I quirked an eyebrow at him again. "Something else."

"Alright, well I'm going to go to bed, it's like midnight. How are you not tired?" He laughed. I shrugged. "I'm used to not getting any sleep." Was all I answered before going upstairs. I heard the pitter patter of small footsteps running back to my room and I laughed soundlessly.

I entered the room and found gaara pretending to be asleep, but miserably failing.

"I know you're awake, flower." I whispered. He groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. And then I had the feeling I did this morning. I felt so bad that I couldn't see how adorable my flower was. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to calm myself. I heard a small whimper and I opened my eyes.

"D-did I do something wrong?" He whispered. I looked confused for a second then realized that I looked like I was trying to calm myself down to someone who didn't know I was feeling. I gasped softly and quickly hugged him.

"Oh for gods sake gaara, no. No you did nothing wrong. I was just...feeling frustrated like I was this morning. I can only picture how cute you would look...but I can't see." I sighed. He nodded in understanding. I smiled and released him. I got up and was about to go to the small couch in my room when I heard a small voice.

"Please stay."

I turned around to him with a small smile. "Of course my flower." I whispered. He seemed to smile a little more when I climbed into my bed and sat down at the top of the bed and started looking through paperwork for Jiji.

"So...you like me more than words go?" The tiny panda teased and layed across my lap, his head on one side of my legs and his upper back on my legs, and let me tell you-it was hot. But..something didn't seem right. So I played along.

"Yes, my flower. More than words describe." I whispered while tangling my fingers through his hair and then running them through the thick strands. "Well would actions show it?" He whispered some-what seductively. I smirked and went to kiss him and tried to ignore the flinch he gave. I started the kiss slow and gave him enough time to turn away...wait.

I pulled away from him and pushed the papers to the end of my bed. "Gaara, sit up." I said sternly. His eyes widened and he quickly sat up on my legs facing me. I reached for his shoulder slowly and started rubbing it. Then I softly led him into my chest so I was sort of cradling him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked. I sighed. "Somewhat, but to answer that I need you to answer this. Did you want to do that?" I asked. He stuttered and looked up at me. "I-I thought you would-" he started but I stopped him.

"I would have enjoyed it, if you would have wanted to do that." I explained. He looked onto my face and he could only stutter and start crying.

"Aww shhhh, flower. I've got you. Don't cry." I whispered and laid down on the pillow with him on top of me. After a while of rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothing into his ear he calmed down.

He hesitantly reached his hands under me and I frowned. His arm will be dead in the morning! I hugged him and turned him on his back then laid down on top of him (not putting all my weight on him of course) and led his arms to my back. He looked embarrassed so, me being me, I buried my face into his chest more. He yelped quietly and I chuckled. "I-I uh...can't fall asleep without hugging anything...i uhm." He struggled to get words out but I quietly shushed him.

"It's alright flower. I don't mind. Don't think I didn't catch you with that teddy bear last night." I smiled. His face reddened and he looked away. "Dont disrespect Mr.Snuggles." He muttered. I laughed and pecked his cheek, making him smile.

"Go to sleep, flower. You need it." I insisted. He yawned and nodded. I buried my face into his chest and his hands wrapped around me.

"Hey Naru..." he whispered. I hummed in response. I loved how the nickname just rolled off his tongue. No second thoughts.

"You can put your full weight on me..." oh...NO NO BAD MIND! NO DIRTY THOUGHTS! Only when he's ready!

"I don't mind a bit of pressure." He winked and fell asleep.














































Alright guys! This is it! I'm sorry it's been so long! And this is the last chap of just pure fluff! The next few chapters is when it gets interesting!!! And for those of wondering, yes both Naruto and gaara have choking kinks.

Author~Chan out! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

Kitsune (ANBU naruto/Gaanaru)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu