CH.2: Devastated and Alone

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I open my eyes to hear the rain pattering against my window. I let out a small yawn and get up out of bed to get dressed.

I picked out my favorite dress to wear, it's a pearly white color with a black ribbon to go around my waist.

I then picked out some knee-high stockings to match my dress and a pair of white flat shoes.

I  then walk out of my bedroom and down the corridor into my parent's room, up to mamas dresser, and picked up her gold necklace.

Then I slipped the golden chain around my neck and clipped it at the back then examined myself in the mirror.

I heard a knock at the door downstairs.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Erwin, Isabel, and the lady with glasses from yesterday but no sign of Levi and Furlan.

"Heyo Ezlyn, I see you're ready to go." Isabel smiles bending down to my height.

"Mhm."I beam at her as she takes my hand.

"Let's go then." The lady with glasses says walking over to a horse-drawn carriage.

Isabel walks me to the carriage and helps me into a seat next to her.

"Hello Ezlyn we met each other last night, I'm Hange Zoë, one of the captains in the scouts."The lady with glasses says reaching her hand out to shake.

"Hello, Hange," I reply shaking her hand and smiling at her.

"We will arrive at the courthouse in at least two hours, I hope you are feeling okay," Erwin says gaining my attention.

I nod. "I'm fine."I twiddle my thumbs.

The journey was bumpy and I felt nervous, I stared out the window most of the time as Hange and Erwin held a little conversation.

The carriage came to a halt and the door opened revealing a member of the military police, Furlan, and Levi.

Isabel helped me out of the carriage and took me into a large building with Erwin, Hange, Levi, and Furlan.

We walked down a large corridor and stopped in front of a large door. Erwin kneeled in front of me.

"Ezlyn inside this room is loads of people including you're father," Erwin starts, my body shivers at the thought of my father. "Levi, Isabel, and Furlan are going to stand with you at the front of the court since they notified military police what happened two nights ago."He says looking at the trio behind me.

"We will also be in the room but just in the seats behind you, the judge's name is Darius Zachly, our supreme officer, also you're father supreme officer."He continues.

"Are you ready to go?"Erwin finish's putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded giving him a weak smile.

He stands up and opens the door to the courtroom, Isabel takes my hand and leads me into the large crowded room.

All eyes are on us as we walk in, Isabel, Levi, Furlan, and I walk ahead as Hange and Erwin walk into a row of empty seats.

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