Chapter 39

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The 38th chapter got two more paragraphs to clarify certain things(;

Four and a half months later:

" You really don't want to go in with me? I'll be there to help you if you collapse," Toru teased his friend, pulling on a green doctor's coat.

"Ha, don't let me laugh. You're the one who doesn't let needles touch his body. ... But no, I think here the witness clearly has the lead. And how are you going to explain that anyway? ... It's enough if her best friend wants to be a part of the event, for whatever reason ..." Taka laughed nervously. He didn't want to delay the blond any longer, because the trip here had taken far too long anyway. "Hurry up. Your son apparently insists on seeing the light of day with his daddy's presence first." He then leaned over to give his visibly excited guitarist a kiss. "This one's for our mum-to-be. All the best ... be a help to her. I'm sure the three of you will get through it." Toru smiled.

"I love you," came his whispered reply and then he was led into the delivery room by the nurse. Before the doors closed, however, he glanced back, perhaps hoping Taka might change his mind, but he still stood rooted to the spot, squinting into the bright neon overhead as if he needed a reason for his watery eyes.

This big turn in his life had changed a lot. Not only the fact of now being a simple human being, without any extraordinary abilities in him, showed the first traces of his age. Also, the two ladies in the relationship, pointed him to important and inevitable facts in this partnership. A completely new experience, not only to have to care for his own well-being, but to get back in triplicate the gratitude and certainty of being needed, made him grow as a man. And the intimate bond with Toru, which he still couldn't show publicly, nevertheless gave him security and support. The foursome had been constantly on the road together, showing the fans and those who cared a wonderful friendship of the bandmates with their wives.

The fact that the singer had chosen a blonde American woman, might have taken a little getting used to at first, but in the end, they were found to be a very pretty couple, extraordinarily striking and unnaturally brilliant.

Takahiro could say he was happier and more content than ever. And yet, a strange melancholy now overcame him. In the next few hours, a child was born, Toru's offspring, and he was not there. Takahiro was sure his friend would faint at the first traces of blood. Thank goodness April was there, because he himself still felt way too overwhelmed for this and even if he was completely honest with himself, he felt a bit superfluous here. Of course, they had invited him hundreds of times beforehand, but this circumstance of becoming a father just looked different to him. Perhaps there was also a trace of envy, tiny in his brain, which brought him to such thoughts.

Already he could push a baby carriage in front of him, warm up bottles and have sleepless nights, if he had not always provided exemplary and very meticulously for a contraception.

With a shudder he thought back to the love affairs, in that lonely year in which he lived apart from Toru and his family. He had chosen it that way, one party followed the next and the desperate attempts to replace his boyfriend ended up in countless women's beds, more or less drunk. Hichan saved him from somewhat dicey situations now and then, but he could count them on one hand.
"Nothing ever happened there," he muttered to himself as he stepped outside and drew the cold still winter air into his lungs.

It was mid-February, the sky overcast with dark clouds and the harsh north wind blowing scattered snowflakes across the wide parking lot. He hunched his shoulders and pulled his head in a bit to keep the creeping cold from getting to him. The extra-thick down jacket hugged his lanky body, not letting him freeze, and his current short haircut was hidden under a thick fur hat.

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