Chapter 35

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This chapter is dedicated to a special person. 

A friend, great listener, and loving reserve mom .... My sister.

"Smile down upon us"

"Dear relatives, friends and associates. To find us all reunited so soon should make us happy, but a sad event brings us together today, makes us doubt the justice of our Almighty Lord."

The rather short, somewhat rotund priest stood on his podium in front of the ambo and held up both hands, almost accusingly. "A loved one, a great mother, grandmother, wife and friend, is starting on her final journey. On a road to the glory of the Creator."
Takahiro was not the only one to roll his eyes slightly at these words. 'So many lofty spiritual words.'

The same clergyman also performed the wedding ceremony a week ago, and the singer was glad not to have followed him closely then. No question he was raised very religious, but somehow, he had a completely different picture of Granny's final resting place in front of his eyes than many others.
None here of the guests knew exactly how familiar the man in the white robe really was with Miss Hinata. One could tell, however, that there must have been a special relationship between the two. The priest spoke of her good-heartedness, the selfless sacrifice for her large family. The infinite strength with which she supported the most diverse organizations and emphasized in passing that she herself, unfortunately, could never have children of her own, but referred to every addition to the family as her son, daughter or grandson.

"No offspring of her own?" asked Taka in a low murmur, looking at Toru in confusion. The latter just shrugged his shoulders and pretended not to know anything.
'Did she also not want to pass on her alien abilities like me? But ... didn't she say that we should be proud of having such talents?' In Takahiro's head it began to work. Suddenly he felt terribly sorry for having been so unkind and reserved toward the grandmother. She had so patiently enlightened him after Hiroki's assault and lovingly welcomed him into her family. In the evening, she had hugged him tightly and had been sincerely grateful for his singing. Was sincerely happy about his relationship with Toru and even wanted to "get" him a child, which at first seemed completely absurd to him, but it was actually his most ardent wish.
If only he could turn back time a few weeks and get to know her better. Show her a different picture of him, grown up and responsible, just as a man in a marriage should be. 'I have made so many mistakes, overlooked so many things,' he admitted to himself.

Most of the attention in his life was on him, on his messed-up unwanted existence in space. Only Torio showed him a different side, his other self. But even as a "human" he had a hard time seeing the needs of anyone else. His vision was limited, revolving only around the band, the obligations of a famous entertainer, and around his partner. 'There is so much more. ... My family ... Hiroki ... I owe everything to him.' He wanted to speak to him earlier, tried to call him, but his brother had not picked up, although Takuyan assured him that Hiro had arrived safely back on Earth and was doing well under the circumstances.

The creaking of the large, heavy wooden doors at the rear exit jolted him from his thoughts and the priest greeted a young couple who had been delayed.

"Now that we are complete ..." he beckoned to the two, who sat down hand in hand in the last row, catching all eyes with reddened faces. "... Let's start with the wishes of our dear grandmother. She has asked me to make known her last will and testament, which I will do, of course, in order to say unsaid words to those who are left behind.
He took a large envelope from the tray in front of him and opened it theatrically slowly. Finally, he cleared his throat at length, looked once more over his " shepherd's flock" and smiled. A few pairs of questioning eyes looked at him expectantly, to which he nodded noticeably, gaining some more attention. Takahiro, who sat in the front row with his partners, thought he was by far the most accommodating of the clergyman, or was he just imagining it? But this friendly, small, roundish man in his spotless white robe, seemed to fix the couple now.

Suddenly, we start again (Toruka Story english) 2.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant