Chapter 3

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"What do you think, Master Yamanak? Will he be able to handle the memories?" asked Hichan his teacher, scratching his own head. His tentacles extended like two antennae from small swellings between his hair, and popped apart at the red end like a dandelion.
He was sure Toru hadn't noticed anything as he tousled through Hichans hair, yet it was very careless of the redhead to lean down so close to him. "Non lo so, I don't have a good feeling about this ... Taka seemed very tense. What happens to all the plans he has? Mama mia, now despite Toru's setback, can everything be somehow united? ... The separation of the two? The search for suitable partners? The actual goal of fathering children? ... Everything starts all over again?"

"I think ... not?" was the hesitant answer.
"Come? How? You say it like you don't know. ... Did something go wrong?" The alien looked at the doctor, stunned. "You mean ... he's becoming Torio again?!" There was a slight hint of panic in Hiroki's voice.
"Hm, ... I'm a genius, ... but even I'm allowed to make mistakes, whereby ... I don't see any mistake yet. So calm down first, it's all not that bad. They are best friends, that won't change and ... that's the most important thing, isn't it?" The alien doctor indicated and spread his oversized smile over his face.
"No per favore?! It sucks! ... Right at this delicate stage, when my brother is so upset and vulnerable. They just broke up, for this very specific reason, and now? ... Do they fall in love again immortally? You're not serious, are you? Dottore alieno!"
"Hichan, listen. There's a reason for Toru's memories of his past life. I just don't know of it yet, but I too feel a heightened tension in my antennae today," he said thoughtfully, losing none of that handsome frog grin. Then he narrowed his eyes and insistently examined the redhead.
"How about you? Any changes?"
"Nope, ... except for Luigi's Italian skills ..." The kid was far too busy with his brother to notice the slight vibrations in his body. As an underground alien, he was generally always under tension.
"I think his memory will fade with time," Takuyan commented, patting the boy's shoulder encouragedly. "...And for the first while, we'll just keep an eye on him and maybe give him some support."
"Ha! Have you forgotten what Torio was? He's strictly against the female sex, ...belle Donna! He gets goosebumps from them. I know it, he actually resisted our sweet April. ...Oh mama mia, are you going to shoot Cupid's arrows at the astronaut, change his mind?" An amused laughter of both now filled the small laboratory and the alien doctor and his student threw imaginary projectiles at each other. "You will see, on Earth it is not necessary to resort to such means. I already have a brilliant idea for this. The psychiatrist and her friend will give Toru a helping hand. Everything else will resolve itself ... count on me." They shook hands and the redhead retracted his antennae. You had to feel very carefully through his red hair to find the slight bumps of the extra sensory organs of aliens. The doctor from the planet OOR generally wore a cap and no one knew of the existence of the feelers.

"I'll inform Maho immediately" he explained the little one as they stepped out into the long hallway, which seemed far too bright from the fluorescent light. There was not many people in this station, so the two of them continued to talk undisturbed.

"Honestly, I doubt your judgment in this matter," Hichan confessed to the doctor, grinning at him from the side. "You still think it will work out? Non lo so, maybe in space but not here after all." Takuyan made a playfully serious face.
"You still have a lot to learn, little rookie. Especially showing respect to me! Of course, we'll have to explain some things to Torio, but we'll have to do it very smartly. Anyway, we'll go through with it now. Maho will already help him, then he falls in love, eh ... yes ... And the thing with April remains for the time being still among us. 365 days! So don't you dare drop the bomb before then."
"Mori should not know about all this? Be sicuro?" ... This is going to be a damn hard year for me." He rolled his eyes and earned a pat on the back of the head.

"Think of it as a new challenge for the alien hero. "Himan" on a secret mission. Mori chan and Toru have both decided it so, even though "Torio" is now freshly in love again, he wants nothing more than to make his "Morika" happy. They want children, of their own. Conceived and carried out with the old proven earthly methods. Takahiro rejects any kind of supernatural powers. ...So what? ... My hands are bound. Of course, I could have tricked them a bit and somehow impregnated each other, but ... this is planet Earth and ... imagine ... two pregnant men ..." Both, doctor and student chuckled furtively, looking at the doctor's gloved fingers as he demonstratively danced them in front of him. But then Takuyan added a touch more seriously. "We only interfere in extreme urgencies, there's no other way. For now, Maho will take the reins, do you understand?" Hichan nodded in agreement.

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