Chapter 16

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"Phew, ... now that' s a lucky one for me." With Taka holding by her hand, April staggered after the crowd and they lined up across from each other. Women on the left and men on the right. Everyone followed the rule, only the american girl didn't want to be on the pink side, per du. There was no time for long discussions either, as rhythmic music was playing, and everyone was paying attention to the newly married couple's movements.

Maho and Toru were a well-rehearsed team, probably they had practiced secretly, because the dance seemed stylish and genuine. The routines were repeated until everyone joined in, trying not to step on the other person's toes. Then the partner exchange came, Taka had to dance with all the men and would have loved to sink into the ground, but no one cared. On the contrary, they all smiled meaningfully and were not afraid to twirl the little Japanese man around once and then move on.
Most were having a lot of fun, laughing and joking about missteps and cheering the music on to play faster. The level increased and so did the fun factor. Takahiro was moving mechanically, occasionally having trouble coordinating his hands and feet at the same time, and just hoping for an early finish when he was suddenly jostled and lost his footing. Cursing silently, he stumbled forward, already seeing himself land on the ground, but two strong arms caught him.

"Be careful. ... Babe. Are you okay?" asked Toru as he spun Taka around. "Where's your brother? I actually got a bone to pick up with him ..." Before the singer could answer, he was passed on and Takuyan took over the swaying little man.

"Hi Mori! Have you settled in yet? ... Good so ..." Another turn and Ryota grinned back at him.

"Uh Mori chan, you officially switched sides now?" Next please.

"Your shows are so cool. Will there be an encore later?" The father of the bride took over.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I think we'll be hanging out more often in the future."

"Excuse me?"

Taka felt like he was at the carnival. It was noisy, crowded, and everything was spinning, like a game of rounders. A wide variety of faces flitted past him every second.

"Sorry Taka san, but I didn't make it to the terrace in time. You know ... Akitoy ..." And further ...

"Hey shorty, we should talk in private after the dance," a clear offer penetrated his ear. And again.

"Always keep in time. Keep yourself straight, Mori!"

"Hu?" The addressed man tried to ascertain who had just rebuked him. "Father?" But Shinshi Kazmi was already two partners ahead.
'God, when will this end?
"Hi Taka Mori chan ... husband ... hi, hi hi..." April took him for a spin and was off again. It did not take much, and the singer would lose his balance again, but this time he was immediately pulled into the arms of his beloved, lifted up and carried out of the line.
"Thank you, ... you saved me," Taka murmured against Toru's shoulder, clinging to him like a monkey.
"You're welcome." As the groom stepped out into the open with his burden, he immediately realized he wouldn't be able to linger here too long. He placed his booty on the ground and took off his jacket to hand it to the singer, who gratefully slipped into it. It was way too big for him and it looked funny, but no one minded.
"Mori?" The taller one leaned forward to him, took the latter's face in both hands and kissed the full lips intimately.
"To..u ... wa ... do ... you d...?" the shorter one mumbled and was about to back away, but Toru's arms wrapped around his hips. "Sh..., I missed you so much." He lifted him up again and they hid under the flower vine, at the end of the terrace, unaware that someone already found a hiding place there.

The tall blond pressed his treasure against the still slightly warm wall and placed the small body as comfortably as possible on his thigh.
"Finally ..." again he drifted down to Taka, wanting all the kisses he had missed.
"But ... you're ... married now ..." came a miserable objection that didn't seem like he wanted to stop.
"Maho knows everything," Toru breathed out of happiness and pent-up longing. "She understands ... don't worry about her." As he spoke those words, he pulled his friend even closer, wrapped him around like a strangler, buried his face in the dark strands, and sobbed with emotion. Taka gasped for air:
"Toru, ... babe ... you're smothering me ..." Their gazes met. Both pairs of eyes were veiled and reddened from tears.

"It'll work ... Mori, ... tell me you'll try ... please." Toru's nerves were tense to the limit. He would not let him go. Not now, he wouldn't. This year without Taka was the hardest and worst in his life. No matter what incidents in his past existence shaped his personality, Mori chan was an indispensable piece of it. A part of his body, if you wanted to see it that way. Without him, a wound gaped in Toru's heart that someday would cause him to bleed to death internally. He would not manage to father a child, nor did he want to.
"I can't fulfill this one wish for you, ... I don't want it. ... Only you, I only want you, Mori, do you understand?" Takahiro's hands braced himself awkwardly from the firm grip. His fingers slid down the taller man's neck, caressing his throat and wiping the blond hair behind his ears.

"Toru Yamashita, you were and still are the most important thing in my life. ... I have found you, my true love ..." His lips breathed a kiss on his friend's wet cheek and with a brave smile, he didn't want to show him how his insides were breaking right now. It was too late. The fact that Maho was pregnant and the two of them where newlyweds were enough reason to continue to stay out of their lives. "Two times the same person, ... Torio ... Toru ... 15 years with you, but now you have to take responsibility ..."

"I don't tolerate buts! I maybe made a mistake, a misstep, months ago. But there was no other, I swear," the guitarist immediately countered. "This marriage is just a fake. ... Maho loves a woman, she was just looking for a man who could fulfill social duties with her. ... Mori chan, ... please ... dont make it so hard for us. You wouldn't be here if you had no belief in us, too. ... I know it ..." The tips of their noses touched, warm breath enveloping them like a protective blanket of mist, banishing everything else around them. Toru breathed a kiss on Taka's pouting lips and tried to explain the situation further, to reveal everything, to stop hiding secrets.
"Take a better look at Maho and April. The two of them met at the same time we did, and it wasn't a coincidence. ... You know better than I do. Takuyan turned our blonde American into an angel, for Maho and eventually for us." Takahiro tilted his head to the side to avoid his counterpart's gaze.
No, it wasn't quite true that way. Taka didn't know everything. Would he have chosen this way otherwise? Probably not.

The singer insisted on his independent life. No supernatural powers should change anything about it. Nothing was allowed to remind him of Mori, of the alien he no longer wanted to be. He hated the idea of going into a future planned from the beginning without being able to decide for himself. His only compromise in space was Torio, that's why he took all the trouble to build something new on earth, with him ... and now ... without him.

In his mind memories were spinning from the escape of his own species in space. Those endless pains when he thought Torio had drowned in the mountain lake. He had to say it now, explain it, and stop joking about it. A small part of him was still an alien. Basically, he was able to make his own children, but the danger of passing on his alien genes to them was far too great for him to even dare. Therefore at least Toru should get this chance and now ... also take it.

"I can't be the one you know from the magazines. There's something I haven't told you, but I have to finally get past these lies," Taka said with a slight hint of anger in his voice. It shouldn't be on the day of his friend's wedding, not tonight and not here, yet ...
"This past year has not been a lullaby. I had to go through this horrible pain and it just doesn't end. ... Let's say goodbye here for the last time. ... I ... I am not Takahiro Moriuchi ..." Toru let go of him instantly.

„ ... ? ... What? But ... I already know ..."

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