Chapter 37

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A satisfied smile was on the priest's face as he stepped out of the church and looked up at the cloudy sky.
"It is done. So, ... no need to cry", he said, smiling blissfully. He noticed the invisible shadow next to him but didn't let it dampen his mood.
"How can you stay so calm and unfeeling. I was fighting tears all the time. And that earlier, ... you could just have spared to yourself, it's not legal," grumbled a voice.
"Oh ... you know, I have also learned to control my emotions. But you can believe me when I say I've cried enough .... For her and for you." It looked like the priest was talking to himself as he walked toward the waiting relatives. "But the marriage of these two was one of Mum's last wishes, and only I have the authority to do it. Right or not, ... we should talk about it later, we still have the walk to the cemetery before us. ... Well then ..."

During the funeral at the graveyard, everyone could still express their own personal words. Last wishes to Miss Hinata, the friend, sister, mother, grandmother of the whole family. A long line of people had already formed. People threw flowers and earth into the prepared grave and murmured soft prayers into the rainy cool autumn air. Yes, even the warm, pleasant weather of the previous week, now resembled the sad mood at the cemetery. The low-hanging clouds seemed to open their floodgates at any moment, and therefore the visitors hurried to get back into their cars.

Afterwards, they wanted to meet again at the large residence to eat together and to say goodbye to each other, possibly for a long time, since without the head of the family the most important link was missing. No matter how fervently they intended it, the meetings would become less frequent, the celebrations held very privately among the individual families. A very normal course of life. Eventually, only funerals would bring them together.
Sad, but true.

Takuyans car was now the last one standing at the edge of the parking lot under a large tree. He had asked his student to take the twins and the two Vampezkies with him, to finally find a moment of silence for himself. Since the hasty trip into space, he had not been able to sleep peacefully or eat regularly. He had reached his limits, something he never thought possible. But the return to the planet OOR would have failed if the commander of the IUCHIS had not intervened. Schicchi Kazmi supported the teacher and his student to bring Miss Hinata home unharmed. Why the leader of the aliens appeared so suddenly, Takuyan himself learned only by chance, could not believe it at first, but he kept everything to himself, did not want to confuse his student. The doctor could only say that he was lucky that Hichans father had been there in the end. Without his help they would have been lost in space.

Now the alien doctor stood a little away from the grave and watched as two men shoveled the piled-up earth next to it into the hole. He knew that the grandmother had long since gone to heaven, but yet his chest constricted with each successive shovelful. His shallow breathing became more and more uncontrolled until he had to turn away to finally give in to the pressure. Then he cried, cried bitter tears of despair and helplessness. He was a genius, a phenomenon, an icon in his field, was supernaturally talented, exceptionally bright, but all that was not enough. None of these abilities could take away that human pain of having failed him at that moment. Miss Hinata's last wish remained unfulfilled. Neither potions nor stardust achieved any effect. It was no longer in his hands, no matter how hard Takuyan searched for a solution, it would not yield a satisfactory result.

"Taka will remain childless for now," he whined to himself and promptly got an answer:
"I mean, what's the big deal about it? He is not too old to take care of it, besides, he should decide about it himself." Hichan stood behind the alien doctor, put a hand on his shoulder and wanted to reassure him further: "I have to confess to you that I completely forgot about this matter because of the exhausting journey. So, you are not to blame. I should talk to the cook ..." Takuyan groaned, hiding his face behind his hands and shaking his head in despair,
"No Hichan, ... you just don't understand. It was my inability. Having left Mona Lisa to work undisturbed, everything would already be in progress ... and Granny would not be alone in her last hours. I was too stupid to realize the situation. Oh God, ... I was so dumb..."
"What are you talking about? Miss Hinata gave me the order to work with the cook ..."
"Ah damn! The cook, ... she had the chance, the means, the skill, but ... it's too late. He can't pass on her genes, ... now ... as a human." The doctor was at his wits' end and Hichan instantly became alert. What had he missed about this? Why was it so important for the old lady to make Taka a father? And why was it too late? He tried to piece it together:
"I don't quite understand. Do you think maybe Takahiro should have any inheritance shares from Granny? Just because she was also an IUCHI doesn't mean we're all related ... right?" Wide eyes now looked questioningly at the alien doctor. "Takuyan?" The teacher couldn't answer, just kept wiping his watery eyes and sobbing restrainedly into his jacket sleeve. Minutes passed, during which the student tried to figure out from all the words the priest had read aloud, some clue to make sense of it all, but what came to his mind he immediately discarded.
"She could never have children of her own, ... not in this society ... but before the time on Earth?" pondered Hichan, reaching for Takuyan's hands to prevent him from hiding behind them any further. "What do you know about her? Who actually has she been?" he wanted to know energetically, and before the doctor could answer, the scales fell from his eyes and the quiet foreboding of earlier, returned with a sudden realization. "This can't be true. ... Or can it? ... The pictures in the church..."

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