Chapter 38

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This is the way to guard you ...

His first thought was about finding Taka.
Hichan wanted this child thing cleared up once and for all. There was still a way, for sure. Without using witch elixirs or alien powers. Also, the thing with the beer bottle, was only a fake, only an excuse to get the youngsters into the cold storage.
"I'm sure ... Granny had a plan," he reasoned. "Possibly orchestrated it all herself already, and all we have to do is solve the mystery."

"Hey April, will you tell me where I can find your husband?" he asked when he found the blonde in the dining room.
He was still upset from the conversation with his teacher at the cemetery.
"Which one do you mean?" Impatiently, he pounded a beat on the floor with his right foot and grumbled:
"Don't be funny. The smaller one ... my brother, of course ... where is he."
"Ola, what's the matter with you," she wanted to know, eyeing the alien in front of her more closely. His hair was disheveled, his face flushed. An annoyed look tried to avoid hers and his hands were far in his trouser pockets.
"Poor little one, ... Takuyan told me that this business trip you had to take so suddenly was terribly exhausting. I can well understand how hard it must have been for you to find all this out only now." She took him by the shoulders and kissed his forehead like a mother would her son. "I'm so sorry." Then she squeezed him tenderly, trying to comfort him, but the young man stiffened in her embrace.

"April, don't ... I'm not in the mood. There are ... other problems now." He tried to break free, but the woman continued to try to cheer him up.
"I'm sincerely happy for you. Saw how in love you two were earlier, way late for church. I always say, every bad event is accompanied by a positive one. So come on, ... look at me." Her hands rested on his cheeks, gently lifting his face, and then she gave him a bright smile, which Hichan accepted with a sigh. Yes, he even tried to pull up the corners of his mouth, which clearly pleased April.
"That's better. ... You're so pretty when you laugh. Always think on the bright side, little man." He sighed loudly.
"You're right, I should be ... content. It's just ... sometimes I get completely overwhelmed with ... you know ... love," he stammered.
What else should he tell her? After all, she had no idea who or what he was or what things were on his mind at the moment.

"Oh, true love," she romanced. "Believe me, it's stronger than you think. Love survives ups and downs, rocky and seemingly endless winding roads."
"Ha, ... no need to tell me that." He rolled his eyes at the thought of the action with the bells. Then she pinched his cheeks and still empathetically said:
" Some things can never be mentioned often enough. By the way, black looks extraordinarily good on you." She grinned again and was about to wave her hand through his hair, but Hiroki held her tightly.
"April, no ... please! ... I ... thank you for your kind words, but ... they are ... eh ... freshly styled ... so ..." He bowed, gave her a cursory kiss on her fingers, and turned to leave. And before she could object to anything, he called out, "Addio, see you later."
Then he left the room.

"Uh, well that was close. It's just a good thing April is so naive. She didn't look at my hands, which I might have been able to explain, but my antennae? No way ..." he muttered, heading for the terrace. But he didn't get far, as a voice called out behind him:
"Moriuchi san! Please, just a little moment!"

This encounter was unavoidable. The alien knew it, but right now he would much rather have completed a difficult exam than come face to face with her. He stopped and took a deep breath. 'God, I really don't feel like talking to her about Taka's child right now,' he thought and was about to turn around, but Miyu's mother was already standing in front of him.
"Hello Hiroki, nice to see you."She said with a sly smile and bowed in greeting. He did the same, out of politeness, and murmured a low, "Hey ..."
"Hmm, ... I suppose you're confused, but know what we need to talk about? ... Let's go find my daughter. She can help us."
"What Miyu? Why her and not Takuyan?" he wanted to know suspiciously.
"Because your grandmother didn't want to involve the alien doctor here." Mona Liesa looked around searchingly and her voice became even quieter, "I also just need some information from you and everything else is Vampetzki's business. So, come." He let her pull him along without an objection or further questions.

Suddenly, we start again (Toruka Story english) 2.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ