Chapter 12

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Hichan found himself in the guest room. At the bed where his brother had been lying a short time ago. He was feeling as if he had run a marathon in the hot midday sun of the desert, panting with exhaustion and unable to remember how he managed to slip out of Toru, even less how he managed to get into this room. He was aware of a few bright voices around him, childlike and cheerful, until something tugged at his finger and removed the thin cotton gloves.
"Oh, oh, ... father! I think he's waking up!" it screeched beside the redhead and he squinted his eyes painfully.
"Shh ... little darling, be gentle and ... careful. He's a little devil, you know." The girl giggled with her little handheld out.
"I don't believe you, he's one of us. Look ..." She took Hichans hand and turned it to show off the many little suckers. The alien doctor acted playfully surprised:
"Well, gee, you're right. And ... what about the ..."
"Wait, wait," she interrupted him. "I'll have a look ..." already she was ruffling through the red hair of the prone man and also immediately found what she was looking for.

"Hey, that's mean! I want to discover something too!" another childish voice now complained. Hichan continued to pretend to be asleep, reassured to know who was tampering with him. On the other side of the bed was the little miss's twin brother, and the next moment more fingers were ruffling his hair. With the stimulating touches, the alien's antennae also extended in a moment and popped apart at the tip. "Oh, how pretty," the junior Takuyan commented, admiring the large sensory organs that responded to their every move. They had now climbed on the bed left and right to get a better look at the antennae.
"Will mine be as beautiful one day?" the boy asked his father, who just shrugged. Then the little boy tapped Hichans nose with his fingertip.
"Well, I've always known that Uncle Hiroki is something special. You can see it in the crooked ..."


roared the supposedly sleeping man with his mouth wide open, snapping at the children's fingers, who cried out loudly but laughed and did not move away from him.
"At last, you're awake, uncle! What happened and why didn't you ever say you were an IUCHI?" they complained, hugging the redhead as he sat up. He blinked at his teacher and stroked the two over their heads.
"What a pleasure to see you again. I've just come from hell you must already know, but that doesn't mean I'm the devil." With that, he gave the father of the two a venomous look. "You're still a greenhorn, so happy to be distracted by beautiful and exciting things. So many years of experience with the interplay between other people's bodies and you still fall for this simple trap. After all, so why is that?" Takuyan's expression reflected the teacher and doctor inside him, and Hichan rolled his eyes.
"Why!!!" he indignantly said, stopping the four small hands from constantly waving around in front of his face.
"Hiroki? Can you slip into an animal too? Father says it's easy, but all the while he still forbids us to do it." The little boy continued to pluck his uncle's antennae quite enthusiastically. He didn't care that adults were talking, because when something so exciting was happening, he couldn't just be quiet. The twins knew Hiroki very well, but apparently not everything about him. Having another such familiar alien in their circle especially pleased them. "Can you teach me?"

"Hey! No, ... teach us," the girl spoke up, and the children grinned expectantly at the alien with bright eyes.
"You're too young for these experiments, stop it!" the doctor raged, but reaped almost no audience. Hichans eyes lit up. He saw a chance to return the favor, for the long hot torture in Toru's body.
"It's child's play, of course I'll show you, but right now I need to have a serious word with my teacher here, so go find some playmates." He looked at his watch. "Tomoya and Ryota should actually be here by now as well. They both have kids who I'm sure will love playing pranks with you guys."
"Yeah? Oh yeah!" The twins' eyes grew into large dark orbs. "Father? Can we?" Takuyan thought for a moment. Of course, he didn't mind, he just had to repeatedly remind his offspring of their situation as IUCHIS.
"Where are your gloves? Neither these nor shoes or cap will be removed, understood. The two pulled little pouty mouths, fished their headgear off the end of the bed and obediently put them on. But right after that, they were happily bouncing around the room again, clapping their gloved little hands.
"May we? Yes, yes?!" they asked in turn and when their father nodded, they ran out the door waving, which of course they did not close behind them.
"Whew ... I'm getting old. Kids are exhausting, a lot more than students... except for ones like you, of course," the alien doctor complained, pulling the door into the lock.

Hichan sank back into the pillows, exhausted. Every muscle ached, even the antennae hovering above his head twitched nervously. His head throbbed from the bright children's voices and he moaned soft expletives toward Takuyan.
"How fucking hot can love to be?" he asked, agonized. "They've known each other for 15 years now and they still burn like, ... ah I have no idea. ... They're hot as flaming volcanoes, anyway."
"And you knew it. But you still wanted to take advantage of Toru sans greatness?" the teacher grinned.
"Wha?! ... That was the only nice side effect to all this. I saved the wedding festivities, for sure. The two lovebirds were out of control, as Himan it's my duty to intervene. I risked my life ... for him ... and he thanks me like this? I will never interfere in this relationship again, even if they ask me to. I'm done with them! Believe me, ... never again ..."

A restrained laugh came from the doctor's wide mouth.
"I hope they won't need you anymore. ... But, I can understand that you are angry. ... You must know Mori hadn't planned the whole thing at all. Someone else put him up to it in the dining hall." The redhead just contorted his face and said offended:
"He knew exactly what could happen if he got too close to me, meaning Toru san."
"Yeah, you're right, but we were able to get you out at any time. We were monitoring everything." Tried the elder to reassure him.
"Pha! Surveillance? I feel like a boiled lobster. Whose idea was that?" he wanted to know then, indignantly.
"From grandmother Hinata. ... She encouraged your brother to take a step toward Toru san. However, she did not know that you had already seized the groom. That's why she called me as a precaution. She could have saved you, too, if I hadn't been faster."
"That means ... grandma wanted to roast me even longer? Mou ... and I thought she liked me." Hichan looked visibly offended. "What kind of family is that? So, Toru is married to an alien? Does he know that? And what other surprises can we expect today? ... Takuyan? How many IUCHIS are around here?"
"You'll find out all of that soon enough. When the usual guests have taken their leave, you'll meet everyone." It sounded promising and the doctor smiled. " Now keep yourself quiet. I'm going to regenerate you, otherwise my aunt will put you on her home remedies and they ... won't taste good to you, I'm sure. Besides, I can tell you that she has never seen a cuter alien than you, and Miss Hinata would do just about anything to get you into her family, so be on your guard." Takuyan grinned broadly and the alien in front of him narrowed his eyes suspiciously. But he let his teacher replenish his lost energy and then gratefully stretched his limbs in all directions. Like a young deer, he jumped out of bed and marveled:

"Wouw, fabulous! Better than any energy drink. Uh, I'm ready for some infamy again. For a moment I thought I had lost my alien life now and forever." Elated, he turned and raised his brows meaningfully. "I owe you a few hours of babysitting," the redhead promised gleefully.
"Don't you dare show them any nonsense. I appreciate your daredevil streak, but ..."
"It's okay, we won't get caught, Daddy," the child-voiced alien said rather insightfully, winked mischievously, bowed gratefully, and turned to leave.
"Hichan! Don't do anything stupid!" Takuyan called out to him, knowing he would be laughed at, but as an educational measure, he couldn't let the comment go. After all, he had two children of his own to raise, and the prospect of seeing his twins follow in Hichan's footsteps gave him a slight stomachache.
"We won't take anything bigger than a cat. Enjoy the food, it's delicious by the way, whereas I couldn't get anything in my stomach. Even the dessert I missed, unfortunately. ... So I think my first way leads me to the kitchen. ... So long, Master Yamanak." And then he was gone. The teacher wanted to say something else, to prepare Hichan for the coming lessons, but that would only make the troublemaker more curious.
So, he let him go and smiled at his student.

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