Chapter 26

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Kakurenbo  (hide and seek)
A song from Juuri
covert by Hiro

Miyu was awakened by the ringing of bells.

"Wait? ... Why now, ... at this hour? The wedding was over, wasn't it? Was there perhaps a post-celebration? A belated midnight interlude? Is it midday already?" But the longer she listened to the tinkling, the less the bells sounded like the big, heavy, cast-iron bells of the church. 

No, she heard higher, more delicate ringing, very close. Almost as if a dozen cats were sitting on the roof of her trailer. Goosebumps ran down her spine at the thought. She liked cats, but all-in measure and purpose. Why on earth would so many of these fluffy animals, be gathered in this place in particular. They had nothing with them that would attract house cats, so she began to think. But before she was going to spend too much time wondering, she just decided to go and see. She got up from her bed, threw on a vest and was about to go to the door, but suddenly there was a noise. A clang sounded, then a loud rustling of leaves right next to the window.

Hichan had fallen asleep on the roof of the caravan, which was not a particularly intelligent idea, as he found out, however, only when he was already well on the way to landing face first in the earthy ground. Only shortly before the impact he managed to switch into wake mode to make himself invisible.
Sitting in the bushes, he blinked his eyes a few times and looked around. Oh, right. He had been following the warmth, his chosen one, freezing bitterly as he could not extend his antennae that would have given him away. Then, at some point, he must have fallen asleep while gazing up at the starry sky.

"But, what the ... heck is this?" Cautiously, he raised an arm and froze the next moment. No movement, however small, was possible without setting off loud ringing. "Who sewed all these bells on my shirt and pants? How the hell am I supposed to get out of here unnoticed. Vapetzkis must have exceptional hearing, and the young lady will surely check on things sooner or later," Hichan grumbled to himself, cursing whoever had thought up this joke. And as if things couldn't get any worse, to his horror, the window opened as well, giving a direct clear view of him. Of course, these sounds had not gone unheard. In fact, a head came into view, her head, with the dark blond, half-length hair hanging tangled over her shoulders, as it had come loose from the braids. Blue eyes, quite sleepy searched the surroundings until they arrived at the place where the alien was still stuck stiffly in the hedge. He was invisible to them, yet he felt somehow caught. His arms began to ache and his legs to tingle, but he certainly didn't want to set one of the bells swinging.

Miyu wondered. She squinted her eyes, blinked a few times, and realized that what she was seeing was not imagination. In the hedge, which had a peculiar indentation, hung many small bells. Barely visible and all standing still in an eerie way.

"How strange," she whispered and leaned far out of the narrow window, stretching a hand in the direction of the little bells she had noticed. 

The alien contorted his face fearfully, her fingers came quite close to his face, and he had been holding his breath desperately since earlier, when a mosquito buzzed around his nose, to avoid sneezing. He would have thus betrayed himself, which he did not want under any circumstances. How was he to explain to her what he was doing here? Next to her "room", under her window, hidden in the bushes. 

Before he could think about it any further, however, his eyes turned white. Miyu instinctively reached behind her and pulled out her white varnish. Seconds later, she threw it at the suspicious spot in the bushes. They were at a wedding attended by aliens, so it could not be ruled out that invisible things or beings were moving through the area at this location. As expected, a silhouette formed through the sheet.
The poor prisoner's eyes widened when he realized what it was that she had thrown at him. But why this big white cloth? But the very next moment it dawned on him what might be behind it. All his game of hiding, invisibility, ... all for nothing.

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