★Rainy Confession★

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A sigh escaped from Yn's mouth.Being a CEO of a famous company is literally no joke.She was always the workaholic person ( Suga's sister🤭).Watching rain from her balcony with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand,she started thinking about her and Taehyung's relationship.

Yn and Taehyung had met during a collaboration with both of their companies.During the collaboration, Taehyung being the cheerful person he is, always tried to talk with her. But having a stone heart (almost,due to the parent's plane crash and loosing them at a young age,she thought that love is a weekness),she was always cold to him. Though, his boxy smile,creasent moon eyes, a sweet and simple yet an awesome personality and the glances that he took from her during time to time,never failed to make her heart go boom boom.

After 3 months,Taehyung proposed to her and she couldn't say know,cause deep in her heart, she knew she liked,no she loved him.Taehyung yet managed to maintain with her cold personality.But now a days,Yn thinks that what if he cheats on him as she is a little bit different from others?They don't all the things normal couples do,so yeah she had a kind of conception in her heart and that made her cold heart ache. So she decided that she will try to be soft and kind to him and be a good gf.(She doesn’t show her soft and kind side bt she decided that she will).

Today,I got some rest from the company.Although how workaholic person I am,I always take good care of my health and try to manage things in that way.As I was enjoying my hot chocolate with a cold face watching how the winds blew on my face,suddenly few drops of rain kissed my check and lips.I took my mug and went to my room.

I think about mine and Taehyung's relationship. He does so much for me,though I do barely anything for him. He is the reason I SOMETIMES smile which is unbelievable, I barely smiled before he came to my life.This boy is now my life,I can't even imagine my life without him. He deserves all the happiness too. I will try to be a little sweet to him. Thinking of this my lips curved up to a little smile. Suddenly the wind grew heavy and I stood up to close the windows. After closing, my phone suddenly sang,

'I hate u
I love u
I hate that
I love u
Don't want to
But I can't put
Nobody else above u'

Incoming call-Kim Tiger🐯

I picked up the call

Tae-'Baby,how r u?
You:I am fine tae,wbu?
Tae-Baby r u at home?

You hummed playing with ur bracelet, sometimes his raspy and deep voice makes you nervous,yet happy and your heart BOOM BOOM 🐼🐼

Tae-Then open the door,*chuckling*
As you knew his surprise comings,you didn't get surprised,instead smiled a little and went to the front door opening it.There,stood a little wet tae,with a boxy yet tired smile with a bag.

There,stood a little wet tae,with a boxy yet tired smile with a bag

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(Imagine he looks like this)🤭

You hurriedly took him inside of the house as he was getting wet.
Then aftee greeting ur boyfie,u asked about the sudden coming.

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