(29) Dance Competition

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Author's POV

" Fuck ! Yes ! I am done with the final practice ...Tae ." Jungkook huffed,  completing his dance and drinking water .

" Wow ! Cool . Well done . I know you will do it the best!" Taehyung said , patting Jungkook's head .

" Yes . Thank you Tae .. Oh ! But you know ? Yesterday ni—"

" Yes .. Jimin told me and Hobi everything.... after you left his dorm room yesterday night itself.  We know everything.. and I also know that you will keep my best friend happy. " Taehyung smiled at Jungkook .

" Ah .. yes Tae .. but how do you know that Jimin's choice is going to be me only?" Jungkook asked .

" Believe me .. his eyes are so full of love for you that he dosen't even need to speak. " Taehyung said , as Jungkook nodded his head . " Ohkay ."

" But .. speaking of Jimin.. where is he?" Jungkook asked,  as Taehyung got somewhat tensed up .

" J-Jimin? H-he.. he is with Hobi .. yes .. they are giving a final touch to their dance practice and I've completed mine . So .. I am here and they are there together. " Taehyung said , as Jungkook smiled . " Okay.  I can't wait to see Jimin dance.  He's such a graceful dancer.  God! I am sure he'll win the student of the year trophy.  " Jungkook said.

" You've seen him dance before?" Taehyung asked , as Jungkook nodded.

" Yes . I did and believe me .. my eyes were blessed. "



" The top ten students are here to compete for this oh so marvelous trophy. " Seokjin said,  as all the qualified students were practicing and warming up backstage. 

Jungkook was pacing up and down , looking at the watch and then at the door . Jimin still wasn't there and his was the first performance.

" Well Hello there bro ! " Yoongi came and patted Jungkook's shoulder .

" Hi ." Jungkook responded,  looking at the door again .

" Waiting for someone ?" Yoongi said,  as Jungkook looked at him with an irritated expression.

" Are you fucking blind? Jimin is still not here ." Jungkook said,  as Yoongi shrugged . " So ? Who even cares ? I only care about my trophy. He can well fuck off . I only care about his decision tonight. " Yoongi said , and walked away .

" Unbelieveable Yoongi.  Just fucking Unbelieveable. That's why Jimin won't choose you at all." Jungkook whispered under his breathe .

Just then , to his relief , a very beautiful and pretty voice called him out .

He turned his head so fast , that he nearly snapped his neck .

It was Jimin , running towards him . But , what confused Jungkook was that Jimin was in normal clothes . Not performance clothes .

Jimin came running up to him and hugged him tight.  Jungkook hugged him back and made to press a slight kiss on Jimin's head,  but Jimin retracted himself back .

" Kookie . I know today you will win . I know today the student of the year award will be yours.  All the best !" Jimin said , as Jungkook nodded .

" Yes . Thank you Jimin . But .. where are your performance outfit ? You are in this too . Remember?" Jungkook asked confused , as Jimin just smiled and shook his head . " All the best Jungkook!" Jimin said,  and ran off .

" WHAT ? WAIT JIMIN!" Jungkook made to run behind Jimin,  but he was pulled back by a hand. He looked back.  It was Hoseok .

" Jungkook.. it's not the time . You have your performance soon . " Hoseok said , and Jungkook was going to argue back , when suddenly Seokjin's voice boomed again. 

" NOW .. WITH THE PERFORMANCE.. I AM SURE MY STUENTS ARE READY BACKSTAGE.. SO .. THE FIRST TO PERFORM WILL BE .. JEON JUNGKOOK!" Seokjin said , as Jungkook looked at Hoseok and then Taehyung. 

" Why me ? I should've been Ji—"

" Jungkook! Go . All the best !" Taehyung said , pushing him towards the stage .


Jungkook entered the stage, with  a heavy heart and a confused mind . Why had Jimin not come? Won't he perform?

Jungkook had so many unanswered questions,  and with these , he found himself in the middle of the vast stage , with the audience clapping and jeering.  He looked around , but there was no Jimin.  He wasn't there even .

" Jungkook?" Seokjin softly called out , snapping Jungkook from his trance. 

" All the best ." He said to Jungkook,  who nodded.  " Thanks Seokjin ." He said , as Seokjin nodded and left the stage .

The lights deemed,  providing Jungkook the spotlight.  Still,  his vision provided him the sight of the three judges .

He heard the song " Euphoria " beginning to play . This was the song he had prepared , and all dedicated to Jimin.

He slowly began to move his body along with the song . Thinking of Jimin,  his grandmother.  He leapt high in the air , landing perfectly, performing like a  flawless swan , a beautiful dancer .. who came up the stage to fill everyone's hearts with EUPHORIA.  He completely got lost in the song ,closing his eyes , as the lyrics of the song slowly began to gather tears in his eyes .

The whole auditorium had fallen silent,  the judges almost numb by Jungkook's ethereal dancing  charm . He was a graceful dancer. 

But , halfway through the dance,  suddenly the sad news of his grandmother passing away,  and with her taking away half his life flashed in front of his eyes . Then pictures of his mom and dad abandoning him and then a small flash of his half abused brother , and that's when Jungkook leapt high up in the air , and instead of landing on his feet perfectly this time , like before,  he landed straight on the ground , not being able to control such an emotional rush, and began to cry uncontrollably on the stage,  kneeling down .

Everyone stood up , seeing such a sudden heartbreaking sight .

Jungkook was crying , his tears pooling on the stage,  beneath him .

" J-Jimin ..." he whisperd , crying .

And suddenly,  he felt his face getting cupped , and he himself looking at two beautiful eyes. 

" Jungkook? What happened?" Jimin said , kneeling on the stage, in front of Jungkook.

" I can't... just can't take it anymore Jimin..." Jungkook said,  as Jimin kissed his head and slowly helped him up to his feet . He then bowed to the audience and judges, and slowly helped Jungkook out from the stage,  leaving everyone in frenzy,  with the sight they had just witnessed .

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