(4) At least ... friends ?

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Author's POV

... MIN YOONGI'S CAR !" There Yoongi was shouting like a loudspeaker and jumping like a monkey .

" Honey ... calm down !" BamBam said , rubbing his hand , not so normally on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi somewhat calmed down , and kissed BamBam's lips , making him blush .

" No baby ... I am gonna pay him for that ." Yoongi said , as he caressed BamBam's face . ( A/N: And I thought you had a boyfriend!? )

" What will you do ?" BamBam asked , making Yoongi smirk . " Just wait and watch ." Yoongi said , as he took out his phone and dialled a number.

" Hello Jihyun ?"


" So ? Jeon Jungkook? Sports scholarship? Hm ! I am impressed!" The sports teacher , Kim Namjoon said , patting Jungkook's shoulder.

" Yes Sir ! I am here ... by sports scholarship!" Jungkook beamed proudly.

" Yeah . I know ... and I should say .. you are damn talented. Your football techniques are famous all round the school . I am impressed young man ... I hope you will not prove me wrong? I am expecting high from you . I expect you to bring colors to our football team. Won't you ?" Namjoon said .

" Yes coach! I will never ever let you down ! I promise !" Jungkook said , as Namjoon smiled and patted his back .

" Good ! Even I expect you not to. "


" Oh hi Jungkook!" Yoongi called out Jungkook, as Jungkook was packing up after gym .

" Oh .. the rich dork ? Hi !" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Yoongi frowned . " Hey ! I know ... our first meeting was not that pleasant... bu-"

" Yeah . Not at all pleasant, Yoongi ! I fucking ended up with a cut on my right cheek ." Jungkook complained .

" Yea ... it wasn't as if I was completely fine . I also got a cut on my neck, and left cheek ." Yoongi fought back .

" Oh ... yea ." Jungkook said .

" But .. we can still be friends. Can't we ?" Yoongi said.

" I doubt that ." Jungkook said .

" What? No ! Please ! Don't mind my previous behavior and all . Please ? We can be friends!" Yoongi pressed on.

Jungkook perked up his eyebrow. " You are so eager to be my friend ? Umm .... I have a bad feeling. Yoongi, as much as I have known you .... you ain't for no good. So ... I still doubt. "

" Ah .. okay . This was totally expected. I should've known . Okay... can we be at leaaaast.... accomplices ?" Yoongi said , and Jungkook sighed . " Okay ... not as if you will take a no for an answer. "

Yoongi smiled, but smirked afterwards. But ... Jungkook failed to notice that.

" Uh .. oh ! Jungkook !" Yoongi called out, as he saw Jungkook change his shirt .

" Yeahh ?"

" I need to leave now . Okay ? I need to meet my boyfriend!" He said , and Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

" You have a boyfriend? I thought you are a playboy?" Jungkook chuckled .

" Umm .. no comments . " Yoongi said , as Jungkook nodded his head.

" Okay ... okay . Go ."

" Ahh ! Yes ! Okay then ! Bye ... then ? We'll meet again tomorrow in the medical room ?" Yoongi said , as Jungkook looked up confused.

" Medical room ? What for?" He asked.

" Ohh ! Maybe you don't know. Never mind! Just look up the school notice board. Bye ... I'll take my leave now ." Yoongi said , and walked off , smirking to himself.

" Now even you'll know what the result would be ... if you mess up with Min Yoongi , Jeon !"

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