Part LXIV: Noriker

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My mouth was open.

Aro stood in the setting sun, in the snow, glowing. His skin that was exposed fluttered like a cubic zirconium ring that was caught at different angles.

"This is why we keep hidden. My kind is impervious to sunlight but if we entered the light like this; man would know we were supernatural."

Why was he showing me this? It felt intimate almost. He looked disgusted.

"Imagine such a horrible monster and no-one will appreciate it. When I had a meal....a victim, she called me an angel; another thought I was the fairy godmother from Cinderella. "

I chortled. He too laughed.
"This really isn't a dream." I felt hollow and tired.

"I hate you," I said.
Aro sighed.
"I know."

He was speaking of my fate the more time I spent time here, with him, in the darkness. The more secrets he pumped into me the more high I could get.

"What am I supposed to do?" I said to myself.

Aro walked slowly to me. No crunching sound made. I only knew he was getting closer because of the shoe prints heading closer and his jaw becoming broader and the glow from the sun dimming.

"You are right to feel cheated. I am selfish but I never lied about how I want you. And I would do anything to make you make this easier to stomach."

Aro in the sun looked like hope, an angel made to save you from yourself but when he returned from the sun I could see his blackened wings and the death he promised for the perennial riches he offered.

"Why me?"

"You always doubt yourself, because of your skin colour but you are beautiful like any other woman. You also are gifted and that is how destiny guided you to me.

Vampires naturally are attracted to special humans. I know you feared telling Marcus but you always had dreams of things that never happened. Then you powerlessly watched them occur.

But I can help you harness that power. I know you better than yourself.

Once you do harness these supernatural abilities your destiny will align. Just choose me."

"Why would I choose you when there's Marcus?"

"Marcus left you the first chance he could. I offered him freedom for you."

I glared at Aro. He was lying.

"At least he loves me. You literally just told me you only like me because I have visions and I'm pretty."

"You misunderstood me. Those are my reasons as to why a vampire like me could be interested in you.

I also like your devotion to your loved ones; your willingness to see good in evil and your wits.

I believe time is all we need."

"No matter how much time passes I will never, ever be able to sympathise with someone like you.

Aro surprised me by keeping his composure. 

“We shall have to see. Come, the night awaits us, Makayla. ”

We walked down the corridors together and there were always pale, robed figures with curious,  sometimes condescending ruby eyes.

“You told me you liked horses and I think you have had little opportunity to ride one.
I thought why not indulge you?

Then I have booked a seafood restaurant for you in the next city.”

I watched Aro. He had his head up and his shoulders were relaxed. My body was not as coiled, as usual. But my eyes flickered back and forth still...

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