Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The first wave of the meteor shower had already hit, killing thousands on impact. Everyone was on edge and Will couldn't help but acknowledge that it was all Fil's doing.

Or rather, it was God's wrath pouring upon the earth.

All the cherished made it, all but one.

William watched as though he was watching everything unfold from outside his body. He was looking for someone amidst the noisy crowd.

"Where is she?"

Seth halted in his tracks on hearing the question but resumed getting everyone aboard the plane. They were twenty-five in total.

There were men women and children amongst them but he couldn't find the woman he was looking for.

Slowly the sky turned orange as more meteors fell but Hope wasn't here.

"I'm going to go look for her."

William turned around immediately and was already walking to the nearest car he could find. No one would bother removing the keys anyway.

He didn't own a car but he could still drive.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked looking at him with an expression he'd never seen him wear.

It was one between lethargy and pain. Both were struggling for dominance.

"You can't go back for her, we're about to leave." At that, Will watched as the remaining passenger entered the jet and the pilot started the engines.

Will couldn't believe Seth was acting so unconcerned about Hope.

She could be alone and hurt somewhere. The thought alone was enough to make him lose all rationality.

"I can't leave without her Seth, even though you don't seem to care."

Seth's eyes flashed and Will could see the anger clearly in his eyes.

"Don't talk like you know anything about me, especially when it comes to her," he cut out.

"I've known her longer than you have. I've been with her during her strongest and weakest moments. Do you honestly think I don't care whether she makes it or not?" At that moment, William could see the indifference giving way to despair.

"What she wants is for you to find God and put Him first. God can't be second, that is where He's always been for you. Do you think I don't want to leave this place and go find her right now?"

"Do you know how hard it is for me to keep still and do nothing?"

"But there are people here who need us, and people we still need to meet. We're on a mission and you can't afford to be distracted or all these would have been for nothing."

They had less than an hour left before the second wave hit. The radio stations were going off and most of them were no longer making any sense. There was only one that was giving close to accurate information about the impacts, where they would hit next.

William was glaring at him but he was already on his way to the jet.

"She's not coming." He told him.

Will had never known Seth to be a liar and he didn't think he was lying then either.

The fear that overtook him then was palpable and the gut-wrenching feeling lodged itself in his stomach again.

"What do you mean, she's not coming?"

"Get on the plane Will," Seth said again but Will didn't budge.

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