I mean, I would love to win this trophy but how she said it was very irritating for me. I feel like I have to win. If not I would disappoint the Coach and the school. That's a lot for me and I can not handle so much pressure on myself.

As I walked out of the school I noticed four familiar faces. I rolled my eyes and continued my way to my bike that was parked in the parking lot.

When I reached for my bike I took off my jacket and opened up the seat of my bike. I stuffed in my jacket and backpack and pulled out my biking leather jacket. While putting on my jacket I noticed from the corner of my eye the four familiar faces staring at me. I rolled my eyes again and got on my bike and put on my helmet

I started the engine and drove off the school property.

Like my mom said went to the supermarket.

I pulled up to the Walmart parking lot and parked my bike at the entrance so that I can easily hop on the bike and go home.

While walking in I got the grocery list out that my mom wrote for me to buy.

The first thing on the list is vegetables.

So, I walked put the vegetables, and got some.

The second thing on the list is soup in a can. I when to the canning aisle and I noticed the soup that my mom always gets is high up on the shelf. I mentally face-palmed myself for this. I'm too short. I can't reach the can with my 5.0 feet.

The next best thing that came to my mind was to stretch my arm and hope that the can won't fall and hit my head because that would only happen to me and no one else.

I extend my arm up high and noticed I can't even reach the third shelf out of five. I decided to put one foot on the second shelf and pull myself up but that didn't go well. I got back down and tried to reach it again while I got on my tippy toes.

"Come on, why did they have to put that can that high up? Don't they know there're short people in this world?" I mumbled to myself.

I got startled by a large arm reaching up the shelf and grabbing the can that I wanted. I quickly turned my head and saw a wide chest. I looked up and saw Axel smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and got down from my toes. I fully turned myself around and now I was pressed against the canning shelf. I looked back up at him.

"Can I have that?" I asked him while crossing my arms around my chest.

"You mean this can?" he said with his deep voice while shaking the can. "No, I meant the fucking teddy bear. Yes, that can, dumbass," I said.

He took a few steps closer to me and now he was inches away from my face. He leaned forward down to me while smirking. "Say please," he whispered.

I raised a brow at him while he leaned back.

"Nope," I said and punched him in his stomach. That made him crouch and I could reach the can in his hand. I grabbed it and walked away. While I was walking away I turned my head back to where he was crouching and saw him slowly standing up. He was angry.

I started speed-walking to the cashier and paid for my stuff and walked out of the store. I ran up to my bike and put on my helmet. From the corner of my eye, I saw Axel walking out of the store angry looking. His eyes were searching for me and when he saw me I saluted him and drove off.

While driving I thought about Dad. I miss him so much and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think or cry for him. Since that night my life changed drastically and I had to make choices. Choices that can change a lot more.

The hardest part was the funeral. It took me everything inside of me to not scream at his funeral. I felt like running up to his casket and scream at him to wake up. But I knew that was impossible.

I knew no matter how much I scream, cry and beg for him to come back. He wouldn't. He was gone and I needed to accept his faith. But it seems harder than I thought. I remained myself every single day how life would be with my dad still in it and every time I start to cry. I would spend hours in my bed crying and thinking about him and what happened.

Sometimes I even blame myself for his death. What would have happened if I tried to save my father? I asked myself this question so many times but every time I can not find an answer.

The sound of honking brought me back to reality. I turned around and saw a few cars behind me telling me to start driving. I said sorry and started driving.

When I reached my house I parked my bike in the garage and said hi to our kind neighbors and continued my way to the door. I unlocked the door and said ''I'm home,''

My Mom came into the view when she came out from the kitchen. She walked toward me and took the groceries from my hand and asked me if I can help her with the dinner. I said yes and we started cooking.

After dinner, I went to my room and started reading my favorite book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen in my bed. I might not look like someone who likes to read books but I'm a bookworm. I love reading books, especially romance. I like reading about people who experience love because I know I will never experience it. I'm too different. I have a sassy mouth. I have an annoying voice. I have a weird personality.

But that's who I am. And if people don't like me for my personality then they are fake.

I've been stabbed in the back so many times that I sometimes think I don't deserve friends. Even now with Nova, Aaliyah, and Esma. They consider me as their best friend but I think I don't deserve them. I mean they will eventually leave me like everybody else. In my last school, I had one friend. Jackie. But after what happened four years ago I stopped talking to her because she blamed me for what happened even though she knew what happened.

I shook my head and focused on the book in my hands. After a while, I felt my eyelids fall. I fell asleep with the book in my hand.

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