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[No one]

     The dirty blonde male woke up in a different room this time. He blinked a couple of times before looking around.

The room was huge and it reminded him of some castles' throne rooms. The color palette was simple, purple and black with some end stone. It was a Watcher building.

He realized he was the only one in the room. There wasn't anyone else with him. Only the annoying Fallen inside his head.

The pain was now better and looked like he had been bandaged up, which kinda surprised him.

Slowly and carefully the dirty blonde sat up and let his glare wander around the room looking for something.

"You're awake.."

He turned around to see a black haired male standing by the huge obsidian doors that led to the room.

"W... Hy...?" The dirty blonde's voice cracked.

"I'm just doing my job," The other answered coldly. "Remember, I'm not the same man you knew years ago.."

"I..." The dirty blonde chocked on his own words without being able to continue his sentence.

"Don't speak.. And Taurtis, leave, please," A female figure walked to the room from the shadows.

The dirty blonde turned to look at her, but she was still standing in the shadows making it impossible for him to recognize her.

Taurtis grinned gritting hi teeth before turning around and walking out of the room through the huge obsidian doors.

"Wh...o... A...re... Y...ou...?" The dirty blonde struggled to say.

"As I said, keep it quiet.. My identity isn't important right now... At one point you'll eventually find out..." The female answered biting her lower lip.

"M...y.... Sib...lings... Whe...?" The dirty blonde started.

But the female cut him off, "Don't worry.. They're alright.. Keep it quiet and you'll be fine too..."

The dirty blonde bit his lower lip. He had so many questions, but he couldn't ask them.

Then the female flinched and soon the dirty blonde noticed that she stared at him with bloody red eyes.

"Ooh Gree-on~" 'She' giggled in a different voice. A voice the dirty blonde recognized very well.

"S...am..." His voice wasn't louder than a whisper.

"Oh yes, my love! I'm glad you remember me! I've missed you so much!" Sam laughed stepping out of the shadows.

Now the dirty blonde was able to see the female better and his breath hitched. He recognized the pumpkin orange hair, even though it was way more shorter now. The cloak she was wearing was familiar too, but it was dirty and full of small holes. The mask she was supposed to wear was gone.

But in control wasn't the female he knew... Sam had taken the control over it.. Sam had broken the body's original owner..

"Wh...at... Di-d... Y..ou... D-do...?" The dirty blonde spat weakly as he stared at the female in horror.

"Don't worry about her! She's just my puppet nowadays! All it took was one broken item and now she's completely under my control!" Sam smirked.

"W..hy... Are... Yo..u.. D-doing... Th...is..?"

"Oh Gree-on~ I'm doing this all for you! You know, I've always loved you! I came back from death just for you! I killed everyone for you! I even dated Taurtis for you! I WOULD EVEN DIE FOR YOU!" Sam laughed sounding like a maniac.

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