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     I slowly opened my eyes and saw Kasen sleeping on the chair next to my bed. I was in a lot of pain, but I knew that there wasn't anything to do about it. I also felt Xavier right by me.

'Xav?' I called out.

'Now we're stuck together forever,' Was his answer.

'So now we can't go AFK anymore?' I asked.

'Exactly,' He nodded.

" ̇/ᒷꖎ, you're awake!" I heard Kasen exclaim and turned to face the relieved brunette.

"Hey ꖌᔑᓭ," I spoke out noticing how raspy my voice sounded.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, he had clearly noticed my voice.

"I'm doing better," I answered noticing how Xavier's voice cracked through the sentence.

"You sound a bit off, but that's understandable," Kasen nodded.

"Yeah," That was definitely Xavier.

'Stay out of my conversations!' I groaned to the fallen.

'What about no?' He smirked.

"Are you still in pain?" Kasen asked with worry in his voice.

'Yes, I feel like dying,' I wanted to answer.

"A little," But of course Xavier had to ruin it with his answer.

"Not that much anymore?" The brunette brother of mine tilted his head.

"Yeah, it's getting better," I lied. I didn't want him to get suspicious about Xavier.

Me and Xavier both knew that the pain was going to be with us until we die and there wasn't anything to do about it. No medicine would help us with this pain.

"Good, but I'm still going to call someone to check on you," Kasen mentioned and called out for Haylie, Yenny and Topaz.

'This is going to be fun,' Xavier said.

'Yeah, yeah. You're already giving me a headache,' I groaned to him.

The curtains were opened and Haylie walked through them. She smiled as she noticed I was awake and feeling better.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and crouched down next to my bed.

"A little painful, but better," I lied.

"Good," She sounded relieved. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better," She said handing me a potion.

I drank the potion knowing it wouldn't help me at all, but I didn't want anyone to get suspicious. I had already worried them enough.

"It should start affecting soon and then you'll feel better," Haylie smiled softly.

"Thanks ꖎᒷᒷ," I thanked her.

"I'll be back soon. I have a couple of patients to take care of," Haylie said before disappearing through the curtains.

"Do you want me to call ᓭ⍑ᒷリ? I'm pretty sure she would like to see that you're fine," Kasen mentioned tilting his head.

"I think that would be a good idea. I wanted to talk about something with her anyway," I nodded.

"I'll message to come here," Kasen said pulling out his communicator. He quickly typed something before putting it away.

"She'll be here soon," He said looking at me.

"Alright," I nodded. I had to talk to her about the deal with Xavier.

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