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I was running. Running from something. I didn't know why, but I just had to run or I would die.

Someone was running next to me. I couldn't look at the person, I couldn't see them. Their hand was on my hand. I felt like I was dragging them after me so they wouldn't die.

Then I felt the hand slipping from my hand and the hallway we were in was filled with blood-curdling screaming.

     I woke up to my own screams. I looked around all sweaty and breathing heavily. Looked like it had been just a dream.. But it had felt so real..

A memory..?

I shook my head. I didn't even want to know. I decided to just let my glare wander around the room and find something else to think about.

I quickly found something interesting in my room. In front of my window was something strange. I got up and went to see the item.

A necklace.

I picked it up and examined it. It looked kinda familiar, but I didn't really know. It had a little pearl hanging from a silver chain. I decided to keep it safe and put it to my inventory. It might be useful later, you'll never know.

I stood up and changed to my red sweater and gray jeans. Then I picked up my communicator and checked the newest messages.

¬The Council¬

Apparently (3.00)
We have (3.00)
New clothing rules (3.00)
Now you have to use (3.01)
A black collared shirt (3.01)
And black jeans (3.01)
Under your cloak (3.02)
Or (3.02)
You have to (3.02)
Actually hide (3.02)
Your clothes (3.02)
Behind the cloak (3.03)
Thank you (3.03)
For understanding! (3.03)

And thank you for waking up
Everyone at 3am ^-^ (3.03)
(Don't listen to that bitch,
No one actually cares about
Your clothes) (3.04)

I didn't make up that rule! (3.04)

I bet that over half of us
are already breaking that rule (3.04)

Yep O-o (3.05)

Well (3.05)

*pretend like here's a picture of
a well since this fucking shit called.
communicator doesn't have a opinion
to actually send pictures!* (3.06)

∴ᒷꖎꖎ (3.06)

C'mon! (3.06)
It's a rule! (3.06)

The well? (3.07)

NO! (3.07)
NOT THE WELL! (3.08)

I suggest that everyone
Follows it! (3.08)
At least in public! (3.08)

What if you don't wear a
cloak at all? (3.09)

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