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"It's going to be alright! Everything will be alright!" I cried as I pulled the bluenette boy closer to me.

He was bleeding a lot and the potion hadn't worked. His eyes were looking empty and his body was getting cold. He was still breathing, but weakly.

"Please brother... Don't leave me, us! It's not your time to go yet..!" I cried as tears fell from my eyes.

Godiva and Winslow were fighting against the lost soul Godiva had called Taurtis. They were screaming to each other, but my all attention was on the weak bluenette I was holding.

"It's going to be alright.. It's alright..! You'll be fine..! It's not your turn to go yet..!" I spoke to him and moved his hair from his face.

He got colder and colder and the blood didn't stop draining from his chest and mouth. His eyes were empty and he looked weak.

I bit my lower lip as tears fell from my eyes and sobs escaped from my mouth. I didn't want to lose one of my siblings. He was so young too... The 2nd youngest Main and 6th youngest Council member.

"Please... It's not your turn to go yet...!" I begged quietly. I wasn't sure if he could even hear me.

Godiva and Winslow ran to us crouched down. They both looked shocked and their eyes were teary.

"He's already cold..." I sobbed.

"∴⍑||...?" Godiva whispered.

We all knew he wasn't going to make it so we didn't want to move him. Moving him would make it more

"I... I'm s-sorry..."

Then he went limb on my arms leaving this world behind.

Our brother, Ivadel Irwin Interfector, had left us. He was gone, dead, never coming back.

"No...." I whispered as sobs began to escape from my mouth furiously.

"⍑ᒷ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣  ʖᒷ ⊣𝙹リᒷ..." Winslow whispered as tears fell from his eyes.

We cried, a lot. The pain was incredible.. We had already thought the danger was getting away from us... But we had been wrong..

The danger had just begun...

[No one]

      "What's 2x7:18?" Oskari sighed and looked at the other two in the room.

"I don't know, I don't have a calculator with me," Xelqua shrugged.

"0.7777777778 says the calculator," Blake answered.

"Thanks, now I got more shit to solve," The ravenette groaned looking down at the papers in front of him.

"We have too much work," Xelqua complained.

"Where are the non Original Mains and Leads?" Blake asked tilting his head.

"They're on a special mission. Basically dealing with some governments," Xelqua answered. "Plus then there're Hypixel, AppleG and Defek7 who are struggling with their own servers," He continued.

"We need help," Oskari groaned.

"How many active members we have?" Blake asked looking at Xelqua.

"38 on the moment," Xelqua counted. "At least I think so," He continued.

"That's not a lot when we look at the amount of work we have," Blake grinned.

"Yeah," Xelqua sighed. "Plus, we need to held a meeting tomorrow for the admins and Watchers!"

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