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     Pain was all I could feel. I was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by endless darkness. I looked around trying to find something, but there wasn't anything to be found.

Soon I saw a light. Then a picture, a memory to be exact. A memory of my mother when I had been a baby. I felt a tear fell down on my face as I looked at my mother. I haven't seen her in many years and I really missed her. I knew that I couldn't see her ever again, she was dead after all..

Then my eyes wandered to her eyes and I realized something. Her eyes were Watcher purple. Had she been a Watcher? Why hadn't I realized that before? Did that mean I had been born as a Watcher too? I looked at the picture again and realized that I had had purple eyes as a baby.

Then the memory changed to a scene I did remember. My mother standing in the kitchen staring out of the window with a cold expression on her face, I had never seen her like that.

"What wrong ꖎᒷ⍊ᔑリᔑ?" A strange male asked as he walked to my mother.

"I told you not to call me that, it's not my name," My mother spat coldly.

"Tsk, tsk, ꖎᒷ⍊ᔑリᔑ! That's your Watcher name and you better accept it!" The male growled.

"I'm not a Watcher, nor is my son! Leave us alone, you already took away my boy's father and my lover!" My mother spoke coldly staring into the male's eyes.

"You can't change the truth. You are still a Watcher ꖎᒷ⍊ᔑリᔑ, and so is your son," The male chuckled.

"STOP! My son isn't a Watcher! He hasn't gotten the power yet, meaning he isn't one!" My mother summoned now an obsidian sword, a Watcher's sword.

"Aggressive, eh?" The male chuckled.

"Leave me and my son alone!" My mother shouted.

"Too bad~"

A purple spike pierced my mother's chest. She fell on the ground limp. The male chuckled and walked to her taking the obsidian sword from her.

"Better luck next time. Oh, wait! There won't be next time!" The male laughed and faded away.

Now I was looking at my mother's dead body. I don't know how I had been able to hold my scream, but now I was screaming my lungs out while tears fell from my eyes. I hadn't ever known how she had actually died, now I know...

She had been a Watcher, and I had been born as Watcher.. I just had gained my powers when Sam had given me to them.

I looked around realizing that I was again in total darkness. Then another memory popped up.

I saw me and Pearl running away from a Watcher in a hallway.. It was the same scene I had seen in my nightmares. Pearl tripped and the Watchers cut her head off. Then the memory disappeared.


No use.. Another memory appeared. I froze as I realized what it was. A silverish-brown haired female stood in an alley looking around.

"Is someone there?" She asked looking in the darkness.

No one answered to her question. She turned around and started to walking away, but a snake-like-magic pierced her chest making her froze.

"N-no..." She coughed in shock and fell on her knees.

She put her hand on her chest and watched as it turned red. Tears started falling down on her face. She turned to look behind her. There was standing a lost soul.. And I recognize that lost soul...

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