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      Another bad memory from EVO appeared in front of my eyes. I didn't care anymore, I was already broken. The memories just kept coming after one another. I couldn't close my eyes and pretend like non of that ever happened. I had caused everything what happened in EVO and Yandere High School.

Tears had already ran dry and my eyes were red. I just pulled my knees on my chest and wrapped my wings around me. I didn't want to remember anything anymore. My memories were hurting me so badly. I just wanted to forget everything bad that had happened, that I had caused.

"Stop it... Stop it already... It's so stupid..." I mumbled knowing there was no one who could hear me.

I just wanted to get out of this darkness and these memories. I wanted to wake up and see my siblings and the Hermits. I wanted out of the pain I was trapped in.

"Grian! Grian! Sam just asked me out!"

I felt my heart ache so badly when I heard his voice. I looked up to see the memory of Taurtis telling me that Sam had asked me out. It hurt me so badly since I had been the one to hide the real truth from him.. I had known that Sam was just using him to get me jealous.

"I can't believe he actually did that! I'm so excited!" The memory Taurtis exclaimed. I could see the blush on his cheeks.

"That's amazing! I really hope you two end up together!" Those were the words that had fallen out of my mouth. I had been so shocked.

'Why did I lie to him?' I asked from myself.

"I know that you still love me! Taurtis doesn't mean anything to me, don't worry about him!" Sam's voice ran through my head as another memory started.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I'll tell Taurtis that you're just using him!" My past self spat to the man I had once blindly loved.

"You realize that it's just going to end up ruining your friendship! He'll end up thinking that you lied to him so you could take me from him!" Sam laughed smirking.

"..." My past self hadn't said anything else. I had known that the game was over.

'I should have told him the truth..' I thought to myself. 'I shouldn't have lied to Taurtis... He was my best friend after all... He died for me..' I let out a silent sob.

[No one]

      "You've been up for 96 hours! You should seriously go to sleep ꖌᔑᓭ!" A blonde nurse exclaimed arms crossed as she glared at the sleepy looking brunette.

"I know, I know," The brunette groaned yawning.

"You can sleep on the chair, but please just sleep-" The blonde was cut off by a sound the unconscious dirty blonde made.

Both of the Watchers turned right away to look at the dirty blonde, who made a small move. They're faces lit up as they realized he was starting to wake up. The nurse quickly grabbed his hand squishing it carefully waiting for him to squish her hand back.

"He's waking up," She sighed with a lot of relieve in her voice.

"Finally," The brunette whispered smiling. He had been waiting for four days, just sitting next to him.

The blonde moved her eyes back to the dirty blonde as he slightly squished her hand. Her lips curved to a bright smile of relieve.

"Come on, come on, wake up!" She exclaimed chuckling.

"You better wake up soon. I'll collapse anytime now," The brunette mumbled trying to keep his eyes open.

The dirty blonde whined and slowly blinked his eyes open. He tried to make out the outlines of the two people around him, but his vision was really blurry.

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