Everything Takes Time

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The young man swiftly entered the chamber. All turned and bowed their heads respectively as he approached the high thrown in the center of the room. As he sat, he wondered if it was truly his time.

"Sire?" A bald man in a deep blue cloak approached the fledgling king. "Permission to speak?"

"Permission granted."

"Sire, may I ask what news you have of the king's health?"

Cenred barley moved as he answered the man's question. His face showed minimal emotion. "My father passed this morning. I was with him in his final moments."

Silence overtook the room as the courtiers digested the news. A few looked to each other and whispered nervously while others peered at the young king who stared blankly into the distance. 

"My Lord, may I ask-"

"No." Cenred stood suddenly. He strode towards the door. "This is all I wished to discuss today. You are all dismissed."

"My Lord, do you not wish to discuss the details or your coronation?"

"I expect you'll take care of the whole affair." He paused with his hand on the door handle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have important business to attend to." He slipped through the door, not looking back at his father's court. He had failed to tell them that there would be some serious changes after his coronation. He didn't need to tell them. They would find out eventually. 

He made his way through the castle halls, refusing to acknowledge anyone who tried to speak to him. They would all say the same thing. 'I'm so sorry for your loss.' Cenred scoffed at the thought. The death of his father was no real loss. That man hadn't spared him a thought in years. His absence in death was not a shift from how Cenred saw him in life. As the second son, his life hadn't mattered. He was always just a spare. He was sure the moment his brother showed the slightest sign of illness his father would turn his attention to his second son immediately. However, as circumstance would have it, the skirmish that ended his brother's life had also ended his father's. Cenred would never forget the look in his father's eyes as he realized his youngest son would be the one to ascend the throne. Cenred had whispered in his father's ear so only he could hear. "It's too late to care, father. And if I lead this kingdom to glory or to it's downfall it won't matter to me. Either way... I win. Goodbye, father." 

Cenred paused before leaving the castle to pull his cloak over his head. He slipped away, unnoticed. The sun had only just began to set over the trees as the young king made his way through the darkening woods. He stopped when he came to a small clearing where a cloaked figure waited. 


The figure turned and removed her hood. The young woman smiled at him. "Cendred... is all well?"

"The king and the crown prince are dead."

She nodded. "As promised."

"And I can assure you... under my rule you will be granted protection from Uther's recent laws."

"He rules with grief and an overblown revenge. I believe you to be a more suitable man."

"My father and brother would have fallen for Uther's lies. I am not so susceptible. In fact... I want to offer you a place in my royal court."

Morgause looked sharply in his direction. "A place... in your court?"

"Yes. I want somone like you to guide me... to teach me..."

"Teach you?" She looked curiously at him. "Teach you what?"

Cendred pursed his lips. "Teach me... magic."

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