Right then we see Harry walking upto the car talking with a girl and doing up his belt when he notices us.

Josh and me quickly look at each other pretending to have a conversation.

"Yeah you're probably right'' Josh says fake chuckling

"I know right'' i chuckle

Harry quickly sprints into the hotel as we both sigh. It was awkward for me to see him like that. I don't really know why

My phone rings.

"Hey'' i pick up

"Hi. I can't come today. Got some important work. Can you take care of the practice?'' Lauren questions urgently

"Yes yes sure. But you're okay?'' I ask concerned

"Yeah I'm fine. See you later then'' she hangs up.

"What'd se say?'' Josh questions looking at me

"She's busy so she asked me to handle it myself.'' i say looking around.

"I'm kinda hungry do you want something to eat?" Josh says

"Oh no I'm fine thank you." I smile

"Okay.. but still I'll get you something cuz I feel like you're lying" he chuckles

"There's no need. I'm not lying" i laugh

"Sure. I'll be back" he smiles and walks back into the hotel as I go to the car.

I sit there alone. I start going through my phone as i barely use it anymore when someone knocks on the window.

It was the same girl Harry walked in with.

"Yes?'' I question without opening the window.

"Is Lauren here?'' she asks

"No sorry. She won't be here today '' i say loud enough for her to hear.

"Okay can you tell her I was looking for her?''

"Sure'' i nod and she started walking away.

I suddenly remember that i didn't ask her name so as to refer to Lauren so i quickly unlock the door and bend out to ask her.

"Hey wait what's your name?'' i question

She's just turning around when I hear heavy footsteps and turn my head to see Harry storming towards me.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE!!!??''He shouts at me so loud that I flinch and fall back on my seat.

"Harry it's no-''

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO INTERESTED IN MY SEX LIFE?'' He walks forward and slams his palm on the car

"What are you talking about!! It's not what it looks like-'' he grabs my palm and pulls me forward so I'm close to him

"So now you're sneaking around behind my back huh?'' he asks furious holding my palm real tight.

"Harry stop I have cuts. It's hurting.'' I say as the wounds get pressed hard

"You know if you really want it, you just have to ask.'' he spits with clenched jaw. "You don't have to hesitate''

That comment disgusted me. God I hate him. He's nothing like he was before. He's changed. He's a whole other person now.

And before I know it, I slap him.

"Hey what the hell is happening!'' Josh sprints over to the car

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