Chapter 26

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I'm in lunch the next day, thinking about Daniel and how she had once said I had her number. She'd told me to call her whenever I needed her. I wonder if she's with Alex.

"Megan..." I hear someone whisper my name. I look around and notice no one was here. I can't see Hayley, and now that I think of it, I haven't seen Nate all day. Bexley had brought me to school in silence and kind of disappeared right after.

I look around to make sure no one from the pack could see me, so I can text both Daniel and Alex.

Megan: I need you, wherever you are, come find me. I'm in Arizona, with my dad.

I don't get a response but deep down I know they'd look for me.

The Pack

"Ok, so this map shows where our pack is and also where we can find the Jone's family" Hayley announces to the boys gatherer around the computer which is Braden and Nate. "There" She points to a building on the screen. "is where Megan is, she's in the lunchroom"

"Why does this map say that Alex is at the high school?" Braden questions.

"Oh my god" Hayley begins.

"They found her" Nate finishes.

"Isn't that what we want?" Braden asks, as Hayley and Nate both shake their heads.

"We were trying to find them-" Hayley begins to explain.

"But they found her on their own" Nate starts to get his stuff. "we need to get there Now" he puts on his jacket and leaves, without waiting for the others to follow.


"Megan..." I hear my name again, this time it's in my head. I look out the full wall of windows and see Alex walking up the sidewalk to the doors.

"Alex..." I say, back to his mind, he looks over and I get up, walking to him. "Alex" I say out loud, once I get outside. He turns to face me.

"Megan" he says, and I run to him, almost knocking him over when i hug him.

"I thought I'd never see you again!" I exclaim, as he pulls away looking at my face. "Am I glad to see you"

"Megan" I hear Nate, as he runs up the steps to the school. "What are you doing out here?" He asks, as he runs up and I see Hayley's close behind him.

"Alex found me" I gesture at empty space and Nate looks confused. I look all around me, not seeing Alex anymore.

"This is getting worse, isn't it?" Hayley asks, Braden, who's close behind her, looks at me like I'm dying. I start to cry.

"I need this to stop" i say, sighing as Nate comes toward me to hug me, I bury my face into his shoulder.

"You're coming back to the house with us. We need to find them"

"This is getting so strong that we all thought we saw him too"

"Bring the car around, Hayley" Nate says and I hear as she walks down the steps.

"How are we going to lure them here?"

"I have an idea"

* * * *

"This is your great idea?" I say as Nate finishes tying me up to the table in the large room they'd rented out just for Nate's plan.

"I didn't say it was a great one," he argues, making tighter. "All I said was that it was an idea- hold still"

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